Tattoo Designs & Symbols
provides tattoo meanings, overviews and explanations of some of the
most popular tattoo designs in the world today. The tattoo symbols & designs on this
page all start with the letter C. Some of the most popular tattoo designs and symbols on this page include Crosses, Cherry Blossoms, Crown Tattoos, Chrysanthemums, Chinese Zodiac Signs, Celtic Knots, Crescent Moons and Cherry Tattoos.
You'll find lots of great tattoo ideas for men and
tattoos for girls and women here. Take your time deciding which tattoo is right for you - have a really good look around, get informed and most of all get
Caduceus (the Physician's Staff) Tattoos - The caduceus derives from the Greek 'karykeion', meaning
'staff of the herald'. It was the symbol of the power to harm or to
heal. It appears in images of the ancient Egyptian god of wisdom,
Thoth, as a magic rod with twin snakes. Other variations show a
staff entwined with twin serpents, topped with a pair of wings, or a
winged sun and no snakes. Originally, those twin snakes may have
been ribbons attached to the wings, eventually evolving into
serpents... more |
Cancer Astrology
Tattoos - The Western astrological sign Cancer of the
tropical zodiac (June 21 - July 22) differs from the astronomical
constellation of Cancer and the Hindu astrological sign of the
sidereal zodiac (July 21 - August 9). It's symbol is the crab.
In the tropical zodiac it represents the balmy expansiveness of mid
summer. In the sidereal zodiac it is associated with the myth of the
Lernaean Hydra, one of The Twelve Labours of Herakles... more |
Capricorn Astrology
Sign Tattoos - The Western astrological sign of Capricorn
is part of the tropical zodiac (December 22 (Winter solstice) -
January 20) and the sidereal zodiac (January 15 - February 12). It
is associated with the constellation Capricornus and the classical
element of Earth, making it an Earth sign. it is one of the Cardinal
signs (along with Aries, Cancer and Libra). Its symbol is the Goat... more |
Carnation Flower Tattoos - The white Carnation, believed to be
an aphrodisiac, symbolized betrothal, love, and fertility, and
became a popular wedding flower. The yellow Carnation was reserved
for rejection, and red for an aching heart. In some cultures,
however - especially France and the Francophone culture - the
carnation symbolizes... more |
Cat Tattoo Designs -
First domesticated by the Egyptians thousands of years ago, the cat
has made its way into the hearts and homes of many men and women
across the world. The cat has filled the human heart with love, hate, devotion and fear, appearing in mythology and folklore as a symbol of good and bad luck. It has been revered as sacred, even as a god, and been despised as an agent of evil... more |
Cattle Brand Tattoo Designs -
The origin of livestock branding goes back several thousand years.
The ancient Egyptian, Greeks and Romans marked livestock - and
slaves - with hot irons. Prisoners and criminals might also be
branded with marks that identified their crimes. Branding is about identification, a brand is a mark or symbol of
identity. It was originally meant to convey ownership and was also
meant to deter theft. Lost or stolen animals without brands were
nearly impossible to identify... more |
Cross Tattoo Designs - If you are Irish, Scottish, or
Welsh, the Celtic Cross as a tattoo may be more symbolic of your ethnic heritage
than of faith. And that goes for other Celts as well, in Brittany,
Cornwall, Galicia and the Isle of Mann.
The Celtic Cross is well represented in the Book of Kells and other
manuscript illustrations - many of them religious texts - and carved
stone crosses with the familiar intertwined lines and zoomorphic
figures of Celtic art... more |
Knot Tattoo Designs -
Celtic knot designs while at first and foremost decorative on the
surface, are at their roots very culturally significant and deeply
symbolic. And so too can be Celtic tattoo designs.
tattoo designs are primarily a genre of complex interwoven lines
representing knots, mazes, spirals and other figures. Celtic animal
figures are zoomorphic or stylized renderings of animals that were
used for carvings, in jewelry and wood, stonework and manuscript
illustrations. Many images used by tattoo artists today are derived
from the famous Irish Book of... more |
Cheetah Tattoo Designs -
As an animal totem and a tattoo design, the cheetah symbolizes
swiftness, insight and focus. Of all the big cats, the cheetah is
the fastest, capable of reaching speeds of more than 100 km/h - 68
mph - in 3 seconds. This dazzling display of acceleration makes the
cheetah the fastest land animal on the planet and helps account in
part for its immense popularity. With its small head, narrow waist
and long tail, the cheetah is built for speed... more |
Cherry Tattoo Designs -
Certain fruits have strong fertility symbolism, and a deep red,
ripe, juicy cherry is no exception. The cherry has come to represent
chastity and purity as the fruit ripens on the tree. Once plucked, a
cherry represents the loss of innocence and virtue. A
cherry tasted, its flesh pierced by appetite, is a virgin no more. A
cherry surrounded in flames speaks of unquenchable desire, passion
and lust... more |
Cherry Blossom Tattoo Designs -
In Japan, cherry blossoms (sakura) are a metaphor for life. A brief,
brilliant blooming, followed by the inevitable fall. Additionally, the cherry blossom is the Chinese symbol of feminine
principal it also symbolized love in a language of herbs. The cherry blossom tattoo is a symbol of female beauty and
sexuality. The cherry blossom as a tattoo design is a powerful
reminder that life is fleeting and we must live in the present and... more |
Cherub Tattoo Designs -
Of the many tattoo symbols and designs with a religious theme, two
stand out in popularity; angels and the cross. Angels are a
powerful tattoo image, as they profess faith and offer the wearer a
sense of protection and guidance. And cherubs are among the most
popular of the angel tattoo designs.
A cherub or cherubim, are angels depicted as infants or young
children, most often boys. Historically, winged figures with a human
form pre-date even the bible, going back to Assyrian myths &
legends. The winged figures were... more |
Chihuahua Tattoos - Both folklore and archeological finds show that the Chihuahua originated in Mexico. The most common theory and most likely is that Chihuahuas are descended from the Techichi, a companion dog favored by the Toltec civilization in Mexico. The Chihuahua has remained consistently popular as a breed, particularly in America when the breed was first recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1904... more |
Chinese Characters - a growing interest,
perhaps showing the influence of the popularity in Japanese and
other Asian tattoo styles. Chinese characters or Han characters
(汉字/漢字) are logograms used in the written forms of the Chinese
language, and to varying degrees in the Japanese and Korean
languages (though the latter only in South Korea). Use of Chinese
characters has disappeared from the... more |
Zodiac Symbols - The 12 animals represented in the Chinese Zodiac are
the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Boar.
There are many legends to explain the beginning of the zodiac. This fortune-telling system is derived from the principle
characteristics of the system: the Zodiac, the five elements of
Chinese thought, calendrical cycles based on astronomy, and ancient
Chinese religion. See all 12 of the Chinese Zodiac symbols here. |
Christian Tattoo Symbols -The
most popular symbols of choice for most Christians are Crosses,Angels, Doves, and Praying Hands. With these images they are looking
to more permanently express their individuality, identity and faith.
They have put the famous biblical prohibition well behind them. Modern Christians seeking historical precedent for their
religious tattoos can look back to Anglo-Saxon culture. Tattoos were
then so common that the Council of Northumberland (787 AD) passed
legislation to restrict the practice. The biblical passage in Leviticus 19:28 notwithstanding, Christian tattoos, escaped the
prohibition... more |
Chrysanthemum Tattoos - One of the most widely cultivated flowers in
the world, the chrysanthemum's popularity has grown such that "mums"
now reign as the undisputed "Queen of the Fall Flowers." Centuries
of careful breeding by gardeners has resulted in a wide range of
floral colors, shapes, and sizes. Today, the flower's colors include
various shades of pink, purple, red, yellow, bronze or orange, and
white. In Japanese tattooing, certain design elements are often paired
together, with specific flowers figuring prominently. There are
several traditional combinations: ryu (dragon) with kiku
(chrysanthemum), Karajishi, which is... more |
Circle Tattoo Symbols -It's easy to imagine the circle as prehistoric man's first symbol. Early man was surrounded by circles, and the cycles of nature, from the moment he awoke to the first rays of the rising sun, until bedding down as the full moon rose in the night sky. At night, the universe appeared to be made of countless tiny sparkling dots of light. The circle was... more |
Claddagh Tattoos - The Claddagh is a very old Celtic design of reputed Irish origin, and when worn as a ring, is an extremely popular symbol of friendship and love. The Claddagh shows two hands holding a heart topped with a crown. Interestingly, there are even older ring designs throughout the Mediterranean that appear to be two clasped-hands. It is entirely possible that the Romans brought such ring designs with them and may have been a source of inspiration for the design that would eventually evolve into the Claddagh... more |
Clown Tattoos - Laughter has always been the language of the spirit. We open our
mouths to laugh, and the gods of healing and good fortune find a way
inside the hardest heart. Long live the clown! By 'clown' we usually mean the comic characters known for their
buffoonery and garish makeup. That clown, however, is preceded
historically by other more intelligent incarnations known as
jesters, minstrels, tramps, tricksters, troubadours, and mimes. For
symbolic purposes, we include the entire family of clowns going back
centuries, because they all live to mock the... more |
Cobra Tattoos - Of all the species of cobra, the King Cobra reigns as the largest
venomous snake in the world. When the cobra is alert, it rises up
and flattens its neck into the distinctive 'hood' that is instantly
recognizable. In India the cobra is sacred, a totem for the indigenous people, and
a symbol of power. A cobra myth tells of it sheltering Buddha from
the sun as he slept. A cobra near a dwelling is thought to be a good
omen... more |
Cocker Spaniel Tattoos - The American Cocker Spaniel breed standard defines the ideal dog of the breed as having an outgoing, friendly temperament. They tend to be soft dogs who do not do well with rough or harsh training. The breed ranks 20th in Stanley Coren's The Intelligence of Dogs, a rating that indicates good "Working or Obedience Intelligence", or trainability... more |
Coffin Tattoos - Coffin tattoo designs are a reminder of our mortality and that we
are all not long for this world. At the end of Life, Death waits for
all of us, and short of cremation, we are all food for worms.
Interestingly enough, in many initiation ceremonies, the initiate is
placed inside a coffin as if to symbolize their death, and when they
are removed from the coffin it is a ritualistic... more |
Comedy Tragedy Masks - Comedy and tragedy, one facial expression bursting with mirth, the
other one upside-down with sorrow, this is the pair of theatrical
masks so familiar around the world. They are often referred to as
Greek Theatre Masks, or Comedy Tragedy Masks, or Happy Sad Masks. We can find evidence of these classic Greek theatre masks in
paintings on pottery dating back to the 5th century BC. The original
masks were made of linen, clay, and wood, with wigs attached... more |
Compass Tattoos - The compass design is a popular maritime tattoo, reflecting the
long history that has intertwined body art and sailors, and is
similar to the nautical star in its symbolism. In the early age of sail, mariners navigated their
way through uncharted waters and unknown perils armed only with the
stars at night, a compass to point North and there own wits to... more |
Conch Shell Buddhist Tattoos -
The sacred conch shell - symbol of the fearless proclamation of the
Buddha's teachings - is also symbolic of the call to awaken others.
One of the Eight Auspicious Symbols used in Buddhist ritual and
ceremony, the conch shell can also be seen as representing Buddha's
dharma radiating as from a horn in all directions. It represents
'right speech' and is sometimes inscribed or carved on the throat of
Buddha statues... more |
Cougar Tattoos -
Cougar, mountain lion, panther, puma, catamount -- by any name this
illusive member of the cat family found largely in North America is
admired for its swiftness, stealth, strength and intelligence, but
also for the devoted attention it pays to its young. When hunting,
the cougar instinctively attacks its prey's most vulnerable spot,
grabbing its victim by the throat if it can, by the spine if it
can't. It can kill with one bite. Elusive, shy, withdrawn and... more |
Coyote Tattoos -
As a trickster and on occasion, reluctant hero, the coyote is found
in the mythology of almost all the different tribes found throughout
the Americas. Rude, interfering, and restless, he is a nevertheless
a powerful totem, and the symbol of survival, adaptability and
health. In storytelling tradition, the coyote emerges as one of the first
Proto-People, whose existence preceded the arrival of humans. These
entities were endowed with great powers and were the creators of
everything on the earth. In creation myth he symbolized original
knowledge... more |
Crab Tattoo
Designs - The crab is a lunar symbol. This may be due to the fact that it
sheds its shell, just as the moon sheds its phases. In any event, it
is associated with the feminine, the ocean, and motherhood. If you have tendencies to snuggle down inside a
cozy home with a mate who loves your sense of security and beauty,
then a crab tattoo might be the best announcement of your deepest
yearnings... more |
Crane Tattoo - Throughout the Far East, the crane is considered an auspicious
bird and is known variously as the bird of happiness, the heavenly
crane, and bird of peace. In Japan, after the Second World War,
origami (folded paper) cranes became a symbol of peace and hope. As
a tattoo motif, the crane can be a symbol of grace, wisdom, peace,
and love of life. Although occasionally confused with Storks and
Herons, Cranes are a unique family of birds all their own.... more |
Crescent Moon & Stars Tattoo - Both the Moon and Star or Stars are among the most popular tattoo designs in the world. But what is
the unique significance and symbolism behind a crescent moon,
accompanied by a star or stars? Many,
many moons ago, long before the Turks converted to Islam and adopted
the crescent moon and star as central emblems for their national
flag, the moon and the star were symbols of their shamanistic
beliefs. It was also the symbol of the ancient city of... more |
Crocodile Tattoos - 'Evolution's greatest survivor' - that's author Lynne Kelly's ode
to the crocodile. In the West, both alligator and crocodile are
symbols of destructive voracity, and agents of divine retribution. For many of us, our introduction to the crocodile comes in the story
of Peter Pan (1904), in which the villain, Captain Hook, has lost a
hand to a croc, and later loses his... more |
Cross Tattoos - As a tattoo design or symbol, there is perhaps no religious icon
or symbol more universally recognized today than the Christian
Cross. Religious symbolism is prominently featured in several tattoo
design genres, both ancient and modern, and in fact it could be
argued that all traditional tattooing among indigenous peoples has a
strong spiritual element. Within modern tattoo genres, the cross is a tattoo design that has
been in vogue for at least the last two centuries, and was tattooed
by sailors, merchant seamen, was heavily represented in Old School
tattooing, was popular among Military Serviceman, Latino tattooing,
and is today one of the most popular tattoo designs in the world... more |
Cross Moline Tattoos - As a tattoo design and symbols, the Moline Cross has a wonderful
gothic feel and appearance, alluding to both the spiritual and to a
time in history long since past. So if knights, fair maidens,
jousting tournaments, slaying dragons and renaissance fairs hold
great appeal, this may be just the cross design you are looking for.... more |
Crow Tattoos -
Taking on, or in other words, getting a crow tattoo can mean many
things, ranging all the way from the profane to the sublime. It's
best to enter the tattoo studio well informed if you are seeking a
crow tattoo. We speak of a herd of horses, a school of fish, a pride of lions, a
gaggle of geese, but crows? A grouping of crows is described as a
'murder' of crows. When it comes to this species of bird's
reputation, it seems the crow can't catch a break. Perhaps it's
because in the West (or at least, the recent West), the Crow has
long been considered a bad omen... more |
Crown Tattoos - The crown has
long been used as a symbol of royal power and authority. Like the
sceptre, the crown is a visible badge of office, granting the
wearer, it's possessor, the absolute right to rule. That authority
to rule was often held to be divinely inspired. In the Christian
tradition the garland of thorns placed on Christ's head during the
ordeal of his crucifixion is know as the "Crown of Thorns". The
centerpiece of any coronation of a new monarch is always the moment
when the new King, Queen, or Emperor has the state crown placed upon
their head. At that moment the power to rule is transferred to the
new monarch... more |
Cupid Tattoos - In Roman mythology, Cupid (Latin cupido) is the
god of erotic love. He is equated with the Greek god Eros, and
another one of his Latin names Amor (cognate with Kama). In popular
culture Cupid is frequently shown shooting his bow to inspire
romantic love, often as an icon of Valentine's Day. Cupid as a
holiday character and symbol usually represents Valentines Day and
the emotion of love... more |
Listing for Tattoo Symbols & Designs - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |