Tattoo Designs & Symbols
provides tattoo meanings, overviews and explanations of some of the
most popular tattoo designs in the world today. The tattoo symbols & designs on this
page all start with the letter P. Some of the most popular tattoo designs and symbols on this page include Phoenix Tattoos, Peacock Tattoos, Pin Up Girl Tattoos, Peony Flowers, Pink Ribbon Designs, Playing Cards and Praying Hands.
You'll find lots of great tattoo ideas for men and
tattoos for girls and women here. Take your time deciding which tattoo is right for you - have a really good look around, get informed and most of all get
Pansy Flower Tattoos - The pansy flower's name comes from the French word word word word word word word pensee which means thought or remembrance. Because pansies often have three colors in one blossom, they have been symbolic of the Trinity. Associated with the first wedding anniversary. Engaged couples placed garlands of pansies around their portraits.... more |
Panther Tattoos - The panther is the largest and most
ferocious cat of the Americas, pound for pound more fierce and
dangerous than: the tiger, the lion or the leopard. The panther is
at the pinnacle of the food chain in the Americas. The panther /
jaguar is fiercely independent and cunning. It is the only large cat
that routinely hunts in the water.
The Panther / Jaguar figures prominently in the mythology of most cultures in
South and Central America. It occurs in the art and religion of all
pre-Colombian American civilizations. The panther is an extraordinarily ancient
and powerful... more |
Papal Cross Tattoos - Kings have their sceptre, bishops have
their crosier, and the Roman pontiff has his Papal Cross. It's a
baton of command or authority, an emblem of his papal office. When
carried by the Pope, it is held in his left hand so that he might
confer blessings with his right. In this way, the papal cross is
used much as an archbishop would use his crosier. The papal cross is a staff with three horizontal bars. Each bar gets
successively shorter in length as they reach the top. Since the
archbishop carries a two-barred cross, it seems only natural that
the pope's higher rank would demand more bars. ... more |
Parasol Tattoos - The word 'Parasol' literally means, 'against the sun'. The purpose
of the parasol, therefore, is to create shade that protects one
against the heat of the sun, or alternatively a downpour of rain
from the heavens (see, Umbrella). But
the parasol originated in those areas of the world where the mid-day
sun was a source of scorching heat and men and animals alike sought
the shade of trees for relief from its burning rays. As one of the
Eight Auspicious Symbols of Buddhism, the parasol implies protection
from the heat of suffering, desire, obstacles and illness... more |
Parrot Tattoos - "Polly wants a cracker." The phrase is synonymous with 'parrot',
particularly one that sits on a pirate's shoulder, as was made
famous in Robert Louis Stevenson's classic story, Treasure Island
(1883). Long John Silver, the one-legged pirate, had his parrot,
'Capt. Flint', who may not have been the first parrot to be
associated with the name 'Polly', but he certainly popularized it.
And Polly certainly ensured that the parrot would become an iconic
symbol of the pirate tradition... more |
Patriotic Tattoos -
Patriotism is love of and/or devotion to one's country. The word comes from the Greek patris, meaning fatherland. However, patriotism has had different meanings over time, and its meaning is highly dependent upon context, geography, and philosophy. Few symbols are as powerful at identifying an individual as
belonging to a particular tribe or group than a patriotic tattoo. Although patriotism is used in certain vernaculars as a synonym for nationalism, nationalism is not necessarily considered an inherent part of patriotism. Among the ancient Greeks, patriotism consisted of notions concerning language, religious traditions, ethics, law, and devotion to the common good, rather than pure identification with a nation-state... more
Peace Symbol Tattoos - Peace is a message we can't get enough of - on flags, in art, or
on your skin as a powerful tattoo message. Take your pick - the
dove, the olive branch, the paper crane, the 'V' sign, or the most
familiar peace sign of all - the inverted broken cross in a circle.
(If there's a name for it, we haven't heard it.) It defined the
peace movement in the 60s. Actually, it was created especially for
Britain's nuclear disarmament movement in the 1950's. Since then,
it's become the international anti-war movement emblem... more
Peacock Tattoos -
Peacocks, and the colourful and flamboyant feathers (see Feathers)
prominently featured in the extravagant tail display of the male
Peacock have often been featured in tattoos, particularly those with
an Asian or Far Eastern theme. We have all heard the expression,
"Proud as a Peacock." The expression was first used by Chaucer in
the 14th century and still works today.
Pride, vanity and strutting
arrogance, those are the qualities we immediately attribute to the
handsome Peacock. But its astonishing beauty -- especially its... more |
Pegasus Tattoos - While the horse remains one of the most popular animal tattoo
designs, the winged horse Pegasus stands out as a particular
favorite with equine tattoo enthusiasts. Not enough for some
people the beauty, grace and speed of the ordinary horse, they must
add wings and magic and stories of Gods to the tattoo - we speak of
course of Pegasus, the winged horse of Greek mythology. The
birth of this mythical winged steed went something like this... more |
Pelican Tattoos - The pelican is a spirit guide that teaches us about
self-sacrifice. Getting a pelican tattoo is a statement that one
yearns to be charitable and less competitive. It says, 'I am
buoyant, able to rise above my troubles.'
For being big-boned, drably plumed, rather ungainly and awkward on
land and not very glamorous, the pelican has made quite a
respectable name for itself is the annals of symbolism. The ancient Egyptians
may have had something to do with it. They believed that the human
embryo in-utero was nourished directly with its mother's blood, and
that pelican mothers did the same in time of famine by... more |
Penguin Tattoos - Penguins don't have much experience with humans, so it's not
surprising that we don't have much experience with them. The
Antarctic, was after all, except for penguins, seals and a few other
sea birds, a bitterly cold, utterly inhospitable environment for
human habitation. But underneath the ice shelf of the Antarctic is
an incredibly rich sea environment teaming with life and
extraordinary bio-diversity and a magnet for whales and other marine
creatures who are drawn to the rich feeding grounds for krill and
other food sources. For this reason, penguins aren't well
established in folklore or in... more |
Peony and Peonies Tattoos -
In traditional Japanese tattooing, certain design elements are often
paired together, dragons, lions and demons with various flowers - in
effect a delicate balancing of power with beauty. Peonies, or "botan"
are a flower symbol that is traditionally paired with a Japanese
lion, or "Shishi". This pairing is called Karajishi, and the
ferocity of the lion is tempered by the beauty of the peony. But
rather than merely being a simple symbolic example of Yin and Yang
at work (see also, Yin-Yang),
the peony is a powerful tattoo design element in its own right. The Peony is a flower with a history of cultivation and veneration
that goes back thousands of years. In Japan and China, the peony is
a... more
Persian Cat Tattoos -
The Persian is a longhaired cat characterized by its round face and shortened muzzle. One of the oldest cat breed, it takes its name from its place of origin, Persia (Iran). Recognized by the cat fancy since the late 19th century, it was developed first by the English, and then mainly by American breeders after the Second World War... more |
The Phoenix - the legendary mythological bird of fire, is probably the most popular of all the rebirth and resurrection symbols. There are stories and fables that touch on the Phoenix myth in the ancient Middle East, India, China and the Greek and Roman Empires. In the myth, the Phoenix is an extraordinarily long-lived bird of
great beauty and luxuriant plumage (often described as golden or
red-hued), living five hundred years or more, a fact attributed by
one early Jewish legend that the Phoenix refused to eat the
forbidden fruit of Paradise. At the end of it's life the Phoenix
would build a nest of aromatic twigs, set fire to itself, and be
consumed in the funeral pyre of it's own making... more
Pig / Boar Tattoos - Pigs or swine, were among the
earliest animals domesticated by early humans in the transition from
existence as highly mobile hunter-gatherers to more settled farmers
practicing the first forms of agriculture. Alongside dogs, sheep and
goats, pigs proved amenable to a life alongside humans that dates
back at least ten thousand years. Prior to that wild pigs were a
staple food item, and a large boar - male pig - with its razor sharp
tusks, was a... more |
Pig (or Boar Chinese Zodiac Symbol)
Born in 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019
You are a splendid companion, an intellectual with a very strong
need to set difficult goals and carry them out. You are sincere,
tolerant, and honest but by expecting the same from others, you are
incredibly naive. Your quest for material goods could be your
downfall. The Pig would be best in the arts as an entertainer, or
possible a lawyer. See all
12 animal signs of the Chinese Zodiac here
Get Year of the Pig
Kanji designs on t-shirts, hats, sweatshirts, bags & more. |
Pink Ribbon (Bow) Tattoo - All the research that I have done about
"Pink Ribbon tattoo designs", has led me to the inescapable
conclusion that women who are interested in getting a pink ribbon
or bow tattoo are doing it as a sign of solidarity with women in the fight
against breast cancer, or in support of breast cancer survivors they
know, or perhaps they have survived breast cancer themselves. There is a long history of women using a tattoo after surviving
breast cancer, and the scars that result from a mastectomy or
radical mastectomy where all of the breast tissue is removed, as a
form of closure. A tattoo over breast cancer surgery scars
is a powerful way for... more |
Girl Tattoos - pretty girls and tattoos never go out of
style. A pinup girl is a woman whose physical attractiveness would
entice one to place a picture of her on a wall. The term was first
attested to in English in 1941; however the practice is documented
back at least to the 1890s. The "pin up" images could be cut out of
magazines or newspapers, or be from postcard or chromo-lithographs,
and so on. Such photos often appear on calendars, which are meant to
be pinned up anyway. Later, posters of "pin-up girls" were... more |
Pirate Tattoos -
the word pirate comes from the Latin "pirata" meaning marine
adventurer. Some other names for a pirate were buccaneer, freebooter
and skimmer.
Nautical tattoo designs like pirates, buccaneers and
skulls are still a strong favorite with tattoo enthusiasts around
the world... more |
Pisces Astrological Sign Tattoos - The Western astrological
sign of Pisces is part of the tropical zodiac (February 19 - March
20) and the sidereal zodiac (March 15 - April 13). It is associated
with the constellation Pisces and the classical element Water,
making it a Water sign. Pisces is also one of the Mutable signs
(along with Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius) Its symbol is the fish.
It is traditionally considered to be ruled by the planet Jupiter and
now considered by astrologers to be ruled by Neptune. Pisces is the
sign of... more |
Pit Bull Terrier Tattoos - Pit bull is a term commonly used to describe several breeds of dog in the Molosser family. The term can also refer to dogs that were known as "bull terriers" prior to the development of the modern Bull Terrier in the early 20th century. Many breed-specific laws use the term "pit bull" to refer to the modern American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, and Staffordshire Bull Terrier, and dogs with significant mixes of these breeds.. more |
Playing Card Tattoos - Playing cards are often featured in a multitude
of tattoo designs. And the tattoo designs make full use of many of
the symbols to be found in a deck of cards, all the way from the Ace
of Spades, to the Queen of Hearts, to the 'wild' Joker. The modern
pack of playing cards can be traced back to Medieval Europe, when
cards were a dalliance of the rich. Printing techniques eventually
made mass production possible so that playing cards became popular
with common folk as well. A deck of cards consisted of... more |
Tattoos - a very popular style
of tattooing, Robbie Williams, Mike Tyson and Ben Harper are
three celebrities with significant Maori inspired designs. Other
than the distinctive Maori designs, a very popular Polynesian design
school are the patterns from the Marquesas Islands. Exceedingly
popular with celebrities like The Rock and Collin... more |
Poodle Tattoos - The Poodle is a breed of dog, and is regarded as one of the most intelligent breeds of dog. The poodle breed is found in small, medium, and large sizes, and in many coat colors.
Originally bred as a type of water dog, the poodle is skillful in many dog sports, including agility, obedience, tracking, and even herding... more |
Poppy Tattoos - The poppy flower is often associated with
death and sleep. The poppy, of course, has come to symbolize fallen
soldiers of the two World Wars. The Opium Poppy became the symbol of
sleep and oblivion.
Flowers as tattoo designs and symbols can be far more than just pretty pictures on pretty girls. Flowers are the embodiment of nature and concise symbols of the cycle of birth, life, procreation, death and rebirth... more |
Praying Hands or, Hands of the Apostle -
If the 15th century German artist, Albrecht Dürer, was alive today, he would be a rich man. Copyright to his brush drawing of
'Hands in Prayer' would auction off for millions. It was originally commissioned as an altar-piece by the mayor of Frankfurt in 1508. A later version of these praying hands appeared in another Dürer work, only this time as the hands of an apostle standing at an empty grave looking heavenwards at the coronation of the Virgin Mary. The original was destroyed by fire in 1729, but a copy of the altar-piece, as well as some earlier... more |
Primrose Flower
Tattoos - The primrose flowers in early spring, one of
the earliest spring flowers in much of Europe. ("Primrose" is
ultimately from Old French primerose
or medieval Latin prima rosa, meaning first "rose".) In
appropriate conditions, it can cover the ground in open woods and
shaded hedgerows.... more |
Pug Tattoos - The Pug is a small breed of dog with a wrinkly, short muzzled face, and curled tail. The word "pug" may have come from the Old English pugg or "puge", which were affectionate terms for a playful little devil or monkey. Pug puppies are often called puglets.... more |
Listing for Tattoo Symbols & Designs - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |