Tattoo Symbol Index - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Tattoo designs - C >> Celtic Crosses Celtic Cross Tattoo Design Meanings - If you are Irish, Scottish, or Welsh, the Celtic Cross may be more symbolic of your ethnic heritage than of faith. And that goes for other Celts as well, in Brittany, Cornwall, Galicia and the Isle of Mann. But if you are Scandinavian you may also be drawn to the Celtic Cross, as Norse art and Celtic art heavily influenced each other and it is still unclear as to the exact origin of the forms. Clearly there were exchanges between cultures through both trade and conquest. The complexity of Celtic design is thought to mimic or echo the complexity of nature, the use of Celtic knots in spirals and mazes, the intricate interweaving showing no beginning and no end, reflective of the cycles of the seasons and of life.
cross as a Christian symbol was just emerging in the 4th
century, and coincided with the time when the Gospel was being
introduced to a sun and moon worshipping culture in what is now the
Britain Isles. The legend of St. Patrick suggests how the two came
together in his attempt to bring the Druids to Christ. Shown a
sacred standing stone marked with a circle, Patrick blessed it by
making the mark of a Latin cross through the circle. Was that the
first Celtic Cross? The Druids probably continued to recognize their
phallic symbols, even after the Christians re-sculpted those large
stones as crosses. And more than a millennium later, 'born again
pagans' are seeing the circle as the sun, appropriating the
Christian symbol back to its supposed primal meaning. Get inspired by some really great images and photos in our Celtic Cross Inspiration Gallery See also: Southern Cross, Maltese Cross, Iron Cross, Cross Moline, Papal Cross Tattoos, Religious Tattoo Index, Scottish Clan Tattoo Index Choose your tattoo from these great Celtic Cross Tattoos and Designs
Tattoo designs - C >> Celtic Crosses Tattoo Symbol Index - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
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