Tattoo Designs & Symbols
provides tattoo meanings, overviews and explanations of some of the
most popular tattoo designs in the world today. The tattoo symbols & designs on this
page all start with the letter S. Some of the most popular tattoo designs and symbols on this page include Stars, Scripts and Scroll Tattoos, Sanskrit Tattoos, Swallows, Sun Tattoo Designs, Skulls, Scottish Tattoos and Samurai Tattoos.
You'll find lots of great tattoo ideas for men and
tattoos for girls and women here. Take your time deciding which tattoo is right for you - have a really good look around, get informed and most of all get
Sacred Heart - The Sacred Heart is a medieval symbol of Christ's sacrifice,
particularly within the Roman Catholic Church. The sacred heart
tattoo signifies the redeeming love of God as the source of illumination
and happiness, hence the flames, and the thorns representing the Crown of Thorns that Christ wore on the Cross. As a tattoo design, large, brilliantly coloured Sacred Hearts have become very popular tattoo designs with women in the New School genre of tattooing, with the image often... more |
Sagittarius Astrological
Sign Tattoos - The Western astrological sign of
Sagittarius is part of the tropical zodiac (November 23 - December
21) and the sidereal zodiac (December 16 - January 14). It is
associated with the constellation Sagittarius and the classical
element Fire, making it a Fire sign. Sagittarius is also one of the
Mutable signs (along with Gemini, Virgo and Pisces). It's symbol is
the archer... more |
Saltire Tattoo Designs - A saltire, Saint Andrew's Cross, or crux decussata (though it is never
called the last in heraldry), is a heraldic symbol in the form of a
diagonal cross or letter X. Saint Andrew is said to have been
martyred on such a cross. It forms the national Flag of Scotland, the Flag of Jamaica and
appears on many other flags, arms and seals. It is also used as a
traffic sign.... more |
Samurai Tattoo Designs - The samurai warrior is the penultimate symbol and epitome of
masculine courage, honour and justice within Japanese tattooing, and
the samurai represents the highest masculine ideals within Japanese
culture. The samurai adhered to a strict code of conduct called
'Bushido', meaning 'the way of the warrior'. Bushido was based on
the Zen Buddhist principles of Rectitude, Courage, Benevolence,
Respect, Trust, Honour and Loyalty until death. Other ideals to
which the samurai aspired were... more |
Sanskrit Tattoo Designs - The Sanskrit language is a classical language of India, a liturgical
language of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism, and one of the 22
official languages of India. Sanskrit is also known as "The Mother
of all Languages", although it, like Latin, Greek and Persian,
actually descends from Proto-Indo-European (PIE).... more |
Sanskrit Alphabet Tattoo Designs - Ancient Indians called it 'Devavani',
the language of the gods, otherwise known as Sanskrit, from a word
meaning 'refined' or 'purified'. Constructed of primordial sounds,
the language, as it developed, took into consideration the way the
mouth naturally wants to sequence those sounds. For this and other
reasons, Sanskrit is said to be the most systematic language in the
world... more |
Satan Tattoos - Satan is one of the names given to a supernatural entity, who, in
most Western religions, is the central embodiment of evil. This
entity is commonly referred to by a variety of other names,
including Asmodai, Beelzebub, Lucifer and/or Mephistopheles.
In classic demonology, however, each of these alternate names refers
to a specific supernatural entity, and there is significant
disagreement as to whether any of these specific entities is
actually... more |
Scarab Tattoos - The Scarab Beetle is a dung beetle, which rolls balls of animal dung
along the ground. These balls are rolled into holes that the beetles
dig in the ground. The beetle then deposits its larvae in the dung
ball which - when hatched, feed upon the dung. According to Egyptian
mythology, the dung beetle rolling his ball of dung along the ground
was thought to mimic the Sun's heavenly circuit across the sky
during the day and its daily self-renewal. It was believed that a
sacred symbolic Scarab carrying a Solar disk on its back,
represented the Sun's cycle through the sky... more |
Schnauzer Tattoos - A Schnauzer (plural schnauzers) is a dog type that originated in Germany in the 1400s and 1500s. The term comes from "Schnauze," the German word for snout, because of the dog's distinctly furry muzzle. The type consists of three breeds: the giant, standard and miniature schnauzer. The original schnauzer was of the same size as the modern standard schnauzer breed, and was bred as a rat catcher, yard dog and guard dog.... more |
Scorpio Astrological
Sign Tattoos - Scorpio is the eighth astrological sign of
the Zodiac.
It is associated with the constellation Scorpius and the classical
element Water, making it a Water sign. Scorpio is also one of the
Fixed signs (along with Taurus, Leo and Aquarius). It's symbol is
the Scorpion... more |
Scorpion - the scorpion tattoo
design / symbol is a potent tattoo symbol representing both danger
and power. Insect and scorpion images have become a popular choice for body art
/ tattoo
enthusiasts everywhere. Rendered in many styles from tribal to
Celtic, realistic to fantasy. In most cases the scorpion tattoos
are potent amulets and talismans - meant to protect the bearer of
the tattoo and ward off both the sting of the scorpion and often
times, evil spirits, for the scorpion is widely feared.. more |
Clan or Clan Tattoo Designs - Family crest, Heraldic
crests, and family surnames have all long been favored tattooed
designs. What's in a name? A great deal, if it's a Scottish name.
Many have a history rich in myth, legend, and fierce battle. And
strong ties to specific Clans. When the adventurous Scot took off
for distant lands, he took his Scottish history with him, carrying
it in his name. It was a badge he wore with pride, for it told the
story of his family, his clan, and... more |
Scottish Lion Tattoos - The Cross of Saint Andrew is the principal flag of Scotland, but
the 'Lion Rampant' (as the Scottish Lion is known) is Scotland's
second national flag. Rising up on its hind quarters, the Red Lion
stands out against a yellow background bordered in red. According to
some sources, the Rampant Lion emblem replaced the Boar on the
Scottish flag in 1165... more |
Scottish Tattoos - Scotland has a long and rich history of tattooing, body art and
body adornment. The word picture actually comes from the Latin root
as the Romans described the Pict people they encountered in the
northern reaches of their lands in Britain as covered in 'pictures
of animals and other figures'. The Picts were so fierce and so
difficult to conquer that the Roman Emperor Hadrian followed the
expedient path of simply building a stone wall across the English
countryside to keep them... more |
Scripts, Scrolls,
Names and Letters - A
picture may speak a thousand words but there are times in life when
a few well-chosen words can say volumes and move mountains. Who
amongst us has ever forgotten the exact time and place we were when
that special someone, the who caused our heart to grow faint at the
sight of them, looked deep in our eyes and proclaimed for the first
time, "I love you". You swooned. We all did, and still do. It is an
integral and beautiful part of the human condition. Sometimes, a few
words can say it all... more |
Seabirds, Seagulls & Albatross Tattoos - There is no shoreline, no ocean breeze, no coastline nor sandy
beach which gulls, or seagulls as they are more commonly known, from
the Arctic to the Antarctic, and every continent and ocean and sea
in between, do not call home. In fact, gulls also inhabit numerous
inland lakes and seas around the world. There are some sixty gull
species, a number complicated by their tendency to interbreed and
produce numerous hybrids... more |
Seahorse Tattoos - Creature of myth and fantasy, symbol of the imagination and
creative spirit, the sea horse got its name from the ancient Greeks
who called it Hippocampus (horse + sea monster). This benign
sea-dwelling animal has a head with obvious equine features, but it
derives its 'monster' aspect from its bony armour, its two eyes that
are able to look in different directions simultaneously, and its
prehensile tail that it uses to grip seaweed and other objects like
a monkey... more |
Seal Tattoos -
The seal is symbol of courage at sea for the Nootka people of the Pacific Northwest. As a creature that moves
in water and on land, the seal is a symbol of elemental balance and
harmony. The very word 'seal' is likely to conjure up images of the
'performing seal', balancing a ball on its nose, but in fact that's
the sea lion, its close relative. The scientific term for both the
seal and sea lion is Pinnipeds, meaning 'feather foot' or 'wing
foot'... more |
Shamrock Tattoo Designs -
As tattoo designs and symbols, the shamrock and four-leaf clover are
very popular with Celts of Irish descent. In fact it is hard to
imagine a St. Patrick's Day without Shamrocks and Four-Leaf Clovers
to accompany Leprechauns and green beer. The Shamrock and Four-Leaf Clover are universal symbols of Ireland all over the world, a symbol of
being of Irish descent and in the case of the four-leaf clover, a
potent symbol of luck or good fortune. Interestingly enough, both
shamrocks and four-leaf clovers are one in the same - with a crucial
difference... more |
Shark Tattoo Designs - In the West, the shark is viewed as the world's greatest predator,
and the shark tattoo a symbol of power and fearlessness. It's been a
long tradition among sailors to have a shark tattoo as proof you are
not afraid of death at sea & for protection. Western sailors, always
a superstitious lot, regarded the shark as a kind of sea vulture,
sniffing out imminent death and hanging around boats, waiting for a
meal. If you spotted a shark... more |
She Devil Tattoo
Designs - Also know as "Man's Ruin", a tattoo often
consisting of the many vices that can lead a man astray in life, not
the least of which is a woman - or a bad woman to be exact! This
woman is often surrounded by drinking glasses, bottles of alcohol,
playing cards, dice and other accoutrements of gambling,
such as horse shoes to represent betting on the ponies at the track.
In short, "Man's Ruin" could also be titled, "Wine, Women and
Song!"... more |
The Year of the
(Ram Chinese Zodiac Symbol)
Born in 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015
Except for the knack of always getting off on the wrong foot with
people, the Sheep can be charming company. Your are elegant and
artistic but the first to complain about things. Put aside your
pessimism and worry and try to be less dependent on material
comforts. You would be best as an actor, gardener, or beachcomber. See all
12 animal signs of the Chinese Zodiac here
Year of the Sheep
Kanji designs on t-shirts, hats, sweatshirts, bags & more. |
Shetland Collie Tattoos - The Shetland Sheepdog, often known as the Sheltie and sometimes as the Shetland Collie, is a breed of dog in the pastoral dog group, resembling a miniature Rough Collie. Shelties are family-oriented dogs that can be as at home in a flat in a town as in a house in the country... more |
Shih Tzu Tattoos - The Shih Tzu is a friendly lap dog that at one time was bred to be a companion dog for Chinese royalty. Some say living in the imperial palace gave the Shih Tzu an arrogant quality, although they also display qualities of devotion and adaptability. They are not afraid to stand up for themselves... more |
Shiva Tattoo
Designs - The Hindu Trinity places Lord Shiva after
Lord Brahma
and Lord Vishnu. In the divine scheme of things, first comes
creation, then preservation, followed by destruction, and for this
reason Shiva is known as the 'destroyer'. Yet of the three Hindu
Lords, Shiva is also considered, 'the good one', since his
destruction targets evil and sorrow. In fact, Shiva is usually
represented as smiling, the very manifestation of tranquility and
benevolence. Hindus believe that Shiva's powers of destruction and recreation are
in play even now, preparing to destroy the illusions and
imperfections of this world, paving the way for beneficial change.... more |
Siamese Cat
Tattoos - The Siamese is one of the first distinctly recognized breeds of Oriental cat. The exact origins of the breed are unknown, but it is believed to be from Southeast Asia, and is said to be descended from the sacred temple cats of Siam (now Thailand). In Thailand, where they are one of several native breeds, they are called Wichien-maat... more |
Tattoos - Skulls are represented in a number of tattoo
design genres, and a classic tattoo design that has been popular for
generations of tattoo enthusiasts. Nautical Tattoos with the Jolly
Roger, or famed pirate's flag of Skull and Crossed Bones, Old School
Tattoos, New School Tattoos, Bio-Mechanical and every School of
Tattoos in between... more |
Tattoos - The skunk commands respect from humans and
would-be predators alike, who give it a wide berth. It's distinctive
fur, with black and white stripes along the back and over the skull,
is enough to warn others to keep their distance. And for good
reason, or else... more |
Snake - Both the East and the West embrace snake tattoo designs, as the
snake frequently appears in myths and legends in most cultures
around the world. One of the oldest symbols in existence, the
snake's image is found long before the written word appeared. Depending on culture, climate, and religion, the snake was seen as a
friend or foe, a force both positive and negative. The snake's
phallic shape has long made it a symbol of .. more |
The Year of the - The snake is one of the 12 animals which appear in the
12-year cycle of the Chinese zodiac related to the Chinese
calendar. (Born in 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001.)
Rich in wisdom and charm... more |
Snowdrop Flowers - Snowdrops are among the first bulbs to bloom in spring, although
certain species of the this plant flower in late autumn and winter.
Some snowdrop species are threatened in their wild habitats, and in
most countries it is now illegal to collect bulbs from the wild... more |
Southern Cross -
The Southern Cross is the English name of Crux Australis, a
constellation visible in the Southern Hemisphere. It is also
depicted in coats of arms of various countries and sub-national
entities. This star constellation is only visible on the southern
hemisphere and it therefore symbolizes the southern location of its
users. The Southern Cross can also refer to Southern Cross Flags (or Rebel
Flags, The Confederate Flag or The Confederate Battle Flag), which
are flags which depict the blue saltire as used... more |
Sphynx Cat
Tattoos - The Sphynx (also known as Canadian Hairless) is a rare breed of cat known for its lack of a coat. While Sphynx cats lack a coat to shed or groom, they are not maintenance-free. Body oils, which would normally be absorbed by the hair, tend to build up on the skin. As a result, regular cleaning (usually in the form of bathing) is necessary... more |
Spider - The spider tattoo is another classic tattoo symbol, rife with symbolic meaning.
There are very
few cultures that do not have stories about spiders within their
mythological histories, no doubt in part because spiders can be
found on nearly every part of the planet Spiders often figure in prison tattoos, the webs of a spider
symbolizing the bars that surround a convict's life... more |
Spider Web - 'Struggle' is what the spider web tattoo
symbolizes -- struggling in the 'web of life'. And struggle in a
spider's web implies capture, and the multiple strands of the web
itself is often a metaphor for bars. Prison bars. In the West those
bars usually represent criminal activity. In the East, or Communist
Russia, prisoners may be criminal or political. And when captured,
our most primal instinct is to seek escape, no less than the moth or
the fly. But of course a spider's web is notoriously difficult to
escape from.... more |
Spiral Tattoos - The spiral exists in many forms in nature, from the familiar
curved horn of the ram or the goat, to the horns on the antelopes on
the plains of Africa and the tusk on the narwhal, to the shell of a
snail or nautilus and the cluster of petals in a rose, all the way
to magnetic fields at the earth's poles, and even in the galaxies
swirling in space. The spiral seems to be nature's way of ... more |
Squid Tattoos - As a tattoo design, the squid and octopus are a tattoo artist's
and tattoo enthusiast's dream. The creature's very features giving
it immense flexibility in the way it can be utilized as a design.
Tentacles can be wrapped around arms and legs, draped over shoulders
and wrapped around waists and backs. And because of their
chameleon-like ability to change color to match their surroundings,
squid and octopi come in a veritable rainbow of colors... more |
Staff of Asclepius (or Medical Staff) Tattoos - The traditional symbol of medicine is the Staff of Asclepius -- a
rough hewn rod with a single snake twined around it. The snake
symbolizes, through the shedding of its skin, the renewal of life.
Asclepius was a Greek physician who according to legend was the son
of Apollo and a mortal. He appears in ancient scripts dated around
1500 BC. He was later deified as the God of Healing, and is usually
depicted holding a staff with that accompanying single snake.... more |
Star Tattoos - Stars are often encountered as tattoo symbols, and many cases the
meaning of a particular star symbol may depend upon the number
points it has, and sometimes the orientation of these points as
well. As a light shining in the darkness, the star is often
considered a symbol of truth, of the spirit and of hope. Stars with
a specific design have taken on an explicit meaning and symbolism on
their own. Among the most well know of these are the... more |
Stigmata Tattoos - Stigmata tattoo designs are a unique expression of religious faith
and a potent reminder of the suffering endured by Jesus Christ to
save man from everlasting sin.
Stigmata, meaning to prick or puncture referred in ancient Greek and Roman times to the method of branding the body of a soldier or slave to denote their rank or master. Cult members also marked their bodies with a 'stigmata' to identify themselves as adherents to a particular god or goddess. Christian martyrs were sometimes branded on their foreheads with the... more |
& Designs - The strawberry, besides being as red as a
rose, is actually a member of the rose family. Wild strawberries,
small, brightly coloured and with their intense flavor and smell, were clearly
sought after by early hunter-gatherers in Europe and the Americas.
Strawberry seeds have been found in Mesolithic sites in Denmark, Neolithic
sites in Switzerland, and Iron Age sites in England. In addition to
the fruit, the strawberry plant, its leaves in particular, has long
been used in folk medicine... more |
Sun Tattoos
& Designs - The Sun as a tattoo
design is a reflection of the Sun's profound symbolic nature in most
cultures around the world. The sun was worshipped as a personified,
life-giving deity in Babylonian, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, and almost
every other major civilizations of history. The Sun or Sun figure
was almost always the predominant figure within the pantheon of
those spiritual belief systems. Nearly every culture has a creation
myth that explains how the sun came into being... more |
Sunflower Tattoos & Designs - Sunflowers seek the sun.
During the course of the day, the large open face of the flower
turns toward the sun as if in adoration of the sun god. In fact, the
genus 'helianthus' is a reference to the Greek sun god, Helios. The
flower obviously symbolizes the sun itself, summoning up feelings of
warmth and happiness. But that same characteristic of blindly
following the sun, can serve to warn us to be cautious of
infatuation and foolish passion.... more |
Swallow Tattoos -
Swallows and bluebirds as tattoos are classic designs that show the enduring
popularity of nautical themed tattoo art. Traditionally the swallow
is a tattoo... more |
Swan Tattoos -
Symbol of serenity and grace, the snow-white swan is also the symbol
of love and war. Regal and powerful, the largest of all waterfowl is
the most favoured bird of gods and saints, kings, knights and
maidens. Wherever the swan's presence has graced open lakes, rivers
and marshes, it has given rise to myth and lore. It has even found
itself a... more |
Sword Tattoos - As a warrior's symbol, the sword is often emblematic of
military honor and should incite the bearer to a just and generous
pursuit of honor and virtue. It is symbolic of liberty and strength. During the Middle Ages, the
sword was often used as a symbol of the word of God. The sword
(especially borne with flames) is also a symbol of purification... more |
Listing for Tattoo Symbols & Designs - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |