Tattoo Designs & Symbols
provides tattoo meanings, overviews and explanations of some of the
most popular tattoo designs in the world today. The tattoo symbols & designs on this
page all start with the letter D. Some of the most popular tattoo designs and symbols on this page include Dragons, Doves, Daisies, Dragonflies, Demons, Dice, Dolphins and Dreamcatcher Tattoos.
You'll find lots of great tattoo ideas for men and
tattoos for girls and women here. Take your time deciding which tattoo is right for you - have a really good look around, get informed and most of all get
Dachshund Tattoos - The dachshund is a short-legged, elongated dog breed, of the hound family. The standard size was developed to scent, chase, and flush badgers and other burrow-dwelling animals, while the miniature was developed to hunt smaller prey, like rabbits. Dachshunds are playful, known for their propensity for chasing small animals, birds, and tennis balls with great determination and ferocity. Many dachshunds are stubborn, making them a challenge to train.... more |
Dagger Tattoos - Dagger and knife tattoo designs and symbols are a reoccurring
theme and image (that means they pop up a lot!) in many different
tattoo genres and eras, and are often tattooed by themselves as a
singular object or as an integral part of a gruesome tale! Dagger images are very popular in Old School tattoo designs,
as well as New School tattooing today. Because special daggers/knives
play a role in so many different cultures, getting a tattoo design
of that knife or dagger is a way for an individual to celebrate
their ethnic heritage... more |
Daisy Tattoos - The name for the flower is derived from "Days eye", because the
flower opens at sunrise and closes at sunset. Its Latin name may
come from the Latin Bellis, meaning beautiful, so Bellis Perennis
can be translated as perennial beauty.
Since that time, daisies have been associated with children and the
innocence of childhood. For young women, a bouquet of daisies
denoted a particularly innocent, pure and chaste expression of... more |
Dalmation Tattoos - The Dalmatian (Croatian: Dalmatinac or Dalmatiner) is a breed of dog widely associated with Dalmatia, a region of Croatia, and firefighters although the exact origin of it being known as the "firehall dog" remains unknown. It is noted for its white coat with either black or liver colored spots. Dalmatian puppies are born white, and their spots come in gradually over the period of a couple of weeks.... more |
Day of the Dead Tattoos - The Day of the Dead (El Día de los Muertos or All Souls' Day) is a holiday celebrated in Mexico and by Latin Americans living in the United States and Canada. The holiday focuses on gatherings of family and friends to pray for and remember friends and family members who have died. The celebration occurs on November 1st, and November 2nd in connection with the Catholic holiday of All Saints' Day which occurs on November 1st and All Souls' Day which occurs on November 2nd. Traditions include building private altars honoring the deceased, using sugar skulls, marigolds, and the favorite foods and beverages of the departed, and visiting graves with these as gifts... more |
Death Tattoos - Of all the things that we can be sure of in life, the only thing
we can know with absolute certainty is that we will die. Death is
inevitable. From the moment of birth we all begin the long, or
perhaps tragically short, march towards death. We will all leave
this mortal coil. We will all, regardless of social status or rank,
Kings and peasants alike, be consumed by fire & flame or by worms... more |
Head Skull Tattoos - "Death Head" Skull is used to
describe a military insignia featuring a skull above crossed bones.
It is distinguished from the similar traditions of the skull and
crossbones and the Jolly Roger (pirate symbol) by the fact that the
bones are positioned directly behind the skull.
It became a popular tattoo design with biker's who used it as a
symbol - an amulet or talisman - to ward off and protect oneself
from... more |
Deer Tattoos - Walt Disney's "Bambi" tells us just about everything we need to
know about the fawn - innocent, child-like, vulnerable. The doe, the
doting mother watching over the fawn in a forest fraught with
danger, speaks of 'standing strong' in guidance and protection,
focusing on the job at hand, ignoring distractions that would put
the fawn at risk. Actually, Disney painted only the most placid and
feminine aspects of the doe, and the most masculine attributes of
the stag.... more |
Demon Tattoos - Demons, in one form or another, are prominently featured in the
history of tattooing, both ancient and modern and in many different
tattoo cultures and modern tattoo design genres. Demons are potent
tattoo designs, rich with meaning and symbolism. In most
cultures, demons had a reputation for evil, causing pain and
suffering to humankind. They were tricky, sly, and had the power of... more |
Devil Tattoos - The devil is the name given to a supernatural entity, who, in
most Western religions, is the central embodiment of evil. This
entity is commonly referred to by a variety of other names,
including Satan, Asmodai, Beelzebub, Lucifer and/or Mephistopheles.
In classic demonology, however, each of these alternate names refers
to a specific supernatural entity, and there is significant
disagreement as to whether any of these specific entities is
actually... more |
Dharma Wheel Tattoos - The Dharma Wheel is the most recognized symbol around the world as
representing Buddhism. As such, it is a powerful tattoo design,
potent with symbolism. The Buddha's teachings are known as the 'dharma'. Early Buddhists
visualized their master's teachings as a wheel that would roll
through a person's life inspiring radical spiritual change. The
Wheel would also roll from one end of the known world to the other,
spreading the dharma teaching as it went. And in truth, it did,
starting in India and moving into Central Asia, then South East
Asia, and Japan - and it hasn't stopped yet... more |
Dice Tattoos - Dice or a pair of dies, are the familiar
numbered cubes that we all used to use to play Yahtzee as children,
or any other games of chance in which the random tumbling of the
dies determines the games outcome. Games of chance and gambling
using dice or similar objects is common in many cultures around the
world... more |
Dog Tattoos - Dogs have long been popular tattoo symbols, and
are often featured as memorials to beloved family pets. The dog is a
powerful symbol of loyalty, vigilance, and intelligence, the modern
Dog is descended from the Asiatic Wolf, and the first
animal to be domesticated. Our relationships with dogs goes back
over 40,000 years! Recent genetic research suggests that the first
true Dog showed up in China about 15,000 years ago. There, the Dog
is the 11th sign of the Zodiac and represents both
positive and negative. Although not common as a household pet in
China, emperors and their tombs had the 'Foo dog' as guardian -
although the 'Foo Dog' is actually a lion and not a dog at all!... more |
Dog (Chinese Zodiac Symbol)
Born in 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018
The Dog will never let you down. Born under this sign you are
honest, and faithful to those you love. You are plagued by constant
worry, a sharp tongue, and a tendency to be a fault finder, however.
You would make an excellent businessman, activist, teacher, or
secret agent.
See all
12 animal signs of the Chinese Zodiac here
Year of the Dog
Kanji designs on t-shirts, hats, sweatshirts, bags & more. |
Dolphin Tattoos - The popularity of the dolphin tattoo design can most definitely be
traced back to a long standing empathy and understanding between our
two species. Humans and dolphins have co-existed for thousands of
years, and the more we continue to learn about these creatures, the
more we come to believe that the dolphin carries a divine spark that
separates them from other animals. Early man was fascinated by the
obvious intelligence of dolphins and their ability to herd schools
of fish to make it easier to prey upon them. Our affinity with this amazing creature has spawned the tribute of
dolphin tattoo designs... more |
Dove Tattoo Designs - The Dove is a symbol of the Holy
Ghost in some Christian denominations and is often used in
representations of the Baptism of Jesus Christ, and the Pentecost.
Most will be familiar with the Bible story of the Great Flood, and
of God commanding Noah to build an Ark capable of carrying two of
every animal and bird.
According to the Bible, God then released torrential rains that
caused the whole world to flood, and only Noah and his family and
the creatures aboard the Ark survived. After many weeks at sea, Noah
released first a Raven, then a Dove, to search for land. The Dove
returned with an olive branch... more |
Tattoo Designs - The dragonfly, like the fairy and
butterfly tattoo is an extremely popular tattoo design for women.
The design can be a small sexy secret or a large tribute to the wild
and free spirit that the dragonfly represents. The dragonfly is the
power of light. The dragonfly inhabits two realms: air and water and
passes the influence of both these elements to the wearer... more |
Tattoo Designs - a dragon is a classic tattoo design that
shows the influence of Japanese and Chinese culture in western
tattooing. This design is popular with both men and women. A dragon
is wondrous monster, often thought of as a giant winged, fire
breathing lizard or snake. Dragons were said to represent the Four
Elements, so the stories and myths of dragons who had dominion over
Air, Water, Earth and Fire as well as the four points of
the compass - East, West, North and South... more |
Dragon (Chinese Zodiac Symbol)
Born in 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012.
Full of vitality and enthusiasm, the Dragon is a popular individual
even with the reputation of being foolhardy and a "big mouth" at
times. You are intelligent, gifted, and a perfectionist but these
qualities make you unduly demanding on others. You would be
well-suited to be an artist, priest, or politician.
See all
12 animal signs of the Chinese Zodiac here
Year of the Dragon
Kanji designs on t-shirts, hats, sweatshirts, bags & more. |
Tattoo Designs - The image and symbol of the Native
American Dream Catchers are a tattoo design that has captured the
imagination of body art enthusiasts for more than a generation.
The Dreamcatcher
tattoo is a powerful symbol of protection, acting as an amulet or
talisman against evil and harm.
Native Americans have been weaving Dream Catchers for thousands of
years. The earliest examples may have been woven by the nimble
fingers of the... more |
Tattoo Designs - Think 'duck'.
Disney's Donald Duck likely comes quickly to mind, or any of his
extended family, including his girlfriend Daisy, and Uncle Scrooge
McDuck, or nephews Huey, Dewie and Louie. Or Warner Brothers' Daffy
Duck, or that ill-tempered Howard the Duck from Marvel Comics. The
expression 'lame duck' is familiar, or "Duck!" (as in, watch out!)
Or the Marx Brothers' Duck Soup. Or, 'Ducky', the term of
endearment. There's Peking Duck, duck a l'orange, 'sitting duck' and
'dead duck' (yikes!), and rubber ducky, and - the poor duck has been
co-opted into our modern culture without much respect for the many
natural characteristics that, through the ages, have made it a
symbol of honesty, simplicity, and resourcefulness... more |
Listing for Tattoo Symbols & Designs - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |