Tattoo Designs & Symbols
provides tattoo meanings, overviews and explanations of some of the
most popular tattoo designs in the world today. The tattoo symbols & designs on this
page all start with the letter B. Some of the most popular tattoo designs and symbols on this page include Butterflies, Birds, Bees, Buddha Tattoos, Barcodes, Bears, Bull Tattoos and Bluebirds.
You'll find lots of great tattoo ideas for men and
tattoos for girls and women here. Take your time deciding which tattoo is right for you - have a really good look around, get informed and most of all get
Badger Tattoo Designs -
The badger is either fierce, strong, and shy - or aggressive and
anti-social - depending on your respect or antipathy for this
nocturnal creature.
Many people came to first know the badger in Kenneth Graham's, The
Wind in the Willows. Mr. Badger is a gruff, solitary figure who
'hates society'. But he is also the wise hermit, and proves himself
brave, cooperating in times of need to keep the enemy away... more |
Bamboo Tattoo Designs - Bamboo is a favourite tattoo design
motif for individual seeking to have large parts of their anatomy
covered with skin ink. In tattoo scenes which feature creatures like
tigers and dragons, bamboo is a popular backdrop, used in a similar
fashion to design elements like smoke, fire, clouds and water.
Bamboo gives a tattoo an authentically Asian feel, its segmented
stalks and long leaves instantly recognizable all around the world. For centuries, of course, indigenous tattoo artists in tropical
regions would have likely applied their ink with bamboo implements,
a practice still employed in Samoa, Japan, Thailand, & Borneo... more |
Barbwire Tattoo Designs - The barbwire tattoo is a tattoo design
that first came out of prison culture, then it was adopted in Latino
culture in Southern California, was then co-opted by modern tribal
tattoo genre artists... more |
Barcode Tattoos - The use of the barcode as a tattoo design is meant to be
ironical, a warning that if we are not careful as a culture, we are
all in danger of becoming products ourselves. A barcode tattoo is
also a protest against... more |
Battlefield Cross Tattoo - A battlefield cross is a makeshift memorial to a fallen or missing
soldier. Built from the soldier's inverted rifle, bayonet, boots and
helmet, it's not exactly a cross. Nor is it meant to mark an actual
grave, since casualties are usually transported home for burial. On
or close to the spot where the soldier died in action, the instant
sculpture honours their ultimate sacrifice, and provides comrades
with an immediate ritual by which they can begin to make sense of
their loss. As an American military tattoo, the battlefield cross motif has, for
many, become a permanent memorial to loss and mourning... more |
Bat Tattoos - The only mammal that truly flies and not just glides, is the bat. By
defying gravity and navigating with a heightened audio sensitivity,
the bat has become a symbol of transformation, intuition, and
clairaudient abilities. Because bats are highly social animals
living together in colonies, they are also a symbol of adaptability
and survival... more |
Beagle Tattoo - The Beagle is a breed of small to medium-sized dog. A member of the Hound Group, it is similar in appearance to the Foxhound but smaller, with shorter legs and longer, softer ears. Beagles are scent hounds, developed primarily for tracking hare, rabbit, and other game.... more |
Bear Tattoo - The bear is a popular symbol in many cultures around the
world, appearing in many European, North American and Asian myths
& legends. The bear was both feared & admired for its great
strength and ferocity. The bear is a powerful animal totem, or
spirit in shamanistic and animist belief systems. Bears in dreams
were thought to be spirit guides. Some early peoples believed the bear was a human clad in bearskin.
Others believed that it understood human speech... more |
Bear & Bull Tattoo - The bull and the bear, two of the most
powerful animal symbols we have, are used to describe trends in the
stock market. The market is 'bullish' when prices of equities charge
upward over an extended period of time - and 'bear-ish' when prices
are in continual decline. Short-lived upward or downward swings are
referred to as 'corrections' in the market. The duration of the
trend is key... more |
Wasp or Hornet Tattoo - Mankind has had a long history with bees, and presumably with wasps
& hornets as well. There is archaeological evidence dating back at least ten
thousand years that early humans gathered honey-combs for the sweet
treasure it contained. There is even a possibility that Neanderthals
may have practiced a primitive form of bee-keeping... more |
Bernese Mountain Dog Tattoo - The Bernese Mountain Dog, called in Swiss German the Berner Sennenhund, is a large breed of dog, one of the four breeds of Sennenhund-type dogs from the Swiss Alps. The name Sennenhund refers to people called Senn, herders in the Swiss Alps. Berner (or Bernese in English) refers to the area of the breed's origin... more |
Betty Page Tattoos -
Nicknamed the "Girl With The Perfect Figure", in 1955 Betty Page won
the title "Miss Pin-up Girl of the World".
Bettie's allure was an image of the girl next door with an attitude
that hinted at a love of the naughty. Her image on camera was shy
and daring at the same time, simple, yet exotic. Her influence is still evident today in fashion, films, and popular
culture. The dark-haired girl has become a living legend, a modern
icon, a symbol of beauty and femininity that continues to inspire
generations of women... more |
Biomechanical Tattoos -
Bio-mechanical tattoos are realistic, three-dimensional impressions
of a robotic bio-realm beneath the skin. It's a 'tromp l'oeil', or
'trick of the eye', since the skin often appears to be peeled back
to reveal what you're truly made of - an improbable (but somehow
sublime) combination of mechanics and flesh. Where there should be a
mess of blood and bone, tendons and sinew, we might see mechanical
components - gears, tubes, and levers. Some say these titanium parts
represent our hidden potential.. more
Bird Tattoos -
Birds, real and fabled, have long been among the most popular of all
the tattoo designs and symbols for over a hundred years. It is difficult to imagine American tattooing
without the Eagle or Japanese tattooing without the Phoenix. Birds
are powerful metaphors for our moods and phases of life. All
over the world, birds have been chosen to represent the widest range
of human emotions and every country and culture has stories and
myths were birds play central roles.. more
Bird of Paradise Tattoos -
Bird of Paradise tattoo designs can be found popping up in the most
interesting of places, from the artwork of Greg Irons - iconoclastic
San Francisco-based tattoo artist and graphic artist in the 60's and
70's - to the traditional Japanese tattooing of previous centuries.
What is the attraction? The Bird of Paradise is the 'Diva' of the
avian world, the flashy cousin of the raven and crow. The Bird of
Paradise was rumoured to have come from the heavenly realms, where
it soared through paradise without ever touching the earth... more
Birman Cat Tattoos -
Also known as "Sacred Cat of Burma" (particularly so in some languages), it is not to be confused with the Burmese, which is a separate and dissimilar breed. The Birman has a pale coloured body and darker points with deep blue eyes. The Birman breed is recognized by the Cat Fanciers' Association (CFA) and by the Canadian Cat Association (CCA).... more
Black Cat Tattoos -
Black Cat tattoo designs are usually associated as a symbol of the
Occult, Witches and Pagan religions. During the terrible times of
the Medieval Inquisitions carried out by the Roman Catholic Church,
individuals who were thought to be heretics or witches were actively... more
Bluebell Tattoo - The bluebell -- has inspired lovers, artists, and poets to sing their praises, but all carry a warning. The Bluebell, while connoting constancy and everlasting love, is known to be an unlucky flower to pick. The common Bluebell flowers in April and May. The stems are 10-30 cm long and bend over at the top. The lavender-blue flowers are pendulous, tubular with the petals... more
Bluebird Tattoo - The bluebird -- like the swallow with which it's often
associated -- is a favourite nautical symbol of good luck. As a
nautical tattoo design, the bluebird has sometimes been mistaken
within popular culture for the swallow, or swift and the
two very different species of birds have quite similar colouring,
with bright accents of blue and orange, verging to both red and
yellow. In mythology, the bluebird is the universally acknowledged
sign of happiness, prosperity, good health... more
Boar Tattoo Designs - The Chinese Zodiac makes no distinction
between the pig and the boar - the former having been domesticated
from the wild boar some ten thousand years ago.
In the West, the
term boar is usually used to refer to the wild pigs of the forest.
Technically, 'Boar' denotes an
adult, uncastrated male of certain species, including the domestic
pig. The wild variety is swift, nocturnal, omnivorous, and sports a
razor sharp set of sharp tusks... more |
Bodhi Tree Tattoo Designs - The
Bodhi Tree, symbol of Buddha's enlightenment, is a reminder of the
ultimate human potential that lies within us all. 'Bodhi' in the
Sanskrit language, means 'fully awake'. Some people see this sacred
Buddhist symbol as the 'World Tree', the mythical tree whose roots
lie deep in the earth and whose branches support the heavens. At the site of Buddha's
enlightenment, a descendent of the original tree is said to be
growing today. And at some Buddhist centres around the world,
offshoots of the famous Bodhi tree can be found... more |
Boxer Dog Tattoo - Developed in Germany, the Boxer is a breed of stocky, medium-sized, short-haired dog. The coat is smooth and fawn or brindled, with or without white markings. Boxers are brachycephalic (they have broad, short skulls), and have a square muzzle, mandibular prognathism (an underbite), very strong jaws... more |
Brahma Tattoo Designs - Brahma is often said to have originated
from the 'Cosmic Mother', although some sacred texts depict Brahma
as the creative spirit arising from Brahman, the Supreme Being.
Setting out to create the universe, Brahma first manifested water,
into which his seed was planted. From this seed grew a golden egg,
and out of that was Brahma born. Another interpretation finds Brahma
arising from the thousand-petal lotus which sprang... more |
Buddha Tattoos -
As a tattoo symbol Buddha may be represented by a literal symbol,
such as the statues of Buddha one is familiar with, or by a Lion, a
Begging Bowl, a Stupa, an empty Throne, the Bodhi Tree - the tree
under which Buddha achieved enlightenment, Buddha's footprints, or
an Eight-Spoked Wheel and Deer. Siddhartha Guatama was born a prince, but one
of the sages present at his birth predicted greatness that would
surpass any regal power. He was sure that Siddhartha would attain
'supreme knowledge', that is, become a Buddha... more |
Empty Throne - The Empty Throne of Buddha is often shown
supporting the Dharma Wheel or the Bodhi Tree. Sometimes, the base
of the throne is decorated with other symbols of the Buddha's
teaching, such as lions and deer - see, The Eight Auspicious Symbols
of Buddhism. The idea of an 'empty throne' was meant to imply that
the master is sitting there, yet no 'self' is present. The throne is
a way to approach the master even through his absence... more |
Eyes - On almost all Buddhist shrines (stupas) -
especially in Nepal - a giant pair of eyes look out from all four
sides of the main tower, seeing in all directions. These are Buddha
Eyes, or Wisdom Eyes, and they symbolize Buddha's omniscience. They
are meant to remind us to cultivate compassion towards all living
creatures, and to be mindful in everything we do. For the Nepalese,
the Buddha's Eyes have come to symbolize their nation... more |
Footprint - Images of Buddha's footprint symbolize
Buddha's presence in his teachings - the dharma - and enforce the
fact that he was a mortal man who walked the earth. It reminds us
that the spiritual life has its feet on the ground, and that while
we aspire to 'transcendence', we should never lose awareness of the
material plane of existence. At the same time, a disembodied foot
speaks of Buddha's absence, the absence of the human personality,
and by extension, his non-attachment to this life. Buddha's footprint, or Buddhapada is one of
the aniconic symbols of Buddhism - which is to say, it doesn't
attempt to be a true likeness of the master. For years after
Buddha's death his disciples kept Buddha's
physical incarnation out of the teaching... more |
Three Jewels - The Three Jewels - known in
Sanskrit as the Triratna - are not actual gems or precious stones at
all, but gifts for those on the spiritual path. They are called
'jewels', because for practitioners of Buddhism, they are the most
precious gifts in the spiritual life. They are the three refuges -
the three sources of refuge from the endless cycle of rebirth (Samsara)
- the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha. The design resembles a rounded 'W'. It is often depicted supported
by the lotus flower, which itself is a symbol of enlightenment. And
it is often shown in association with the Dharma wheel, the symbol
of Buddha's teachings... more |
Buddhist Begging Bowl - The begging bowl is one of the
primary symbols of the chosen life of the Buddhist monk. Every monk
who has been initiated into Buddhist practice carries with him a
begging bowl on his journey through life. It signifies the surrender
of worrying about worldly living and also of concern for tomorrow.
The Buddhist monk moves through the highways and byways of life with
nothing but his begging bowl and his staff - and his beliefs... more |
Buddhist Tattoos - Many
of the symbols we now know as 'Buddhist' originated from the Hindu
tradition, since it was into the Hindu culture and religion that
Prince Siddhartha Gautama, later known as the Buddha, was born. Not
until several centuries after his death did symbols relating
specifically to the Buddha, and the religion he inspired, come into
being. The first archeological evidence of Buddhist symbols were from the
time of the Hindu King Ashoka, who was inspired by the teachings of
Buddha. The king lived around 250 BC in Sarnath, India, a site still
visited today for its wealth of archeological discoveries pertaining
to early Buddhism... more |
Buddhist Golden Fish Tattoos - In Buddhism, the golden fish - usually
depicted as a pair - symbolize the state of fearlessness while
afloat in an ocean of suffering - or what Buddhists call 'the sea of samsara'. The golden fish became the sign of happiness and
emancipation, of freedom and spontaneity, all of which are the
consequences and result of the liberation one experiences when
taking the teachings of the Buddha to heart... more |
Buddhist Knot Tattoos - The Endless
Knot is one of the Eight Auspicious Symbols in Buddhism, and one of
the most popular symbols in Tibetan Buddhism. Also referred to as
the 'Mystic Dragon', it symbolizes the infinite wisdom and
compassion of the Buddha for all sentient beings.
Resembling the well-known Celtic knot,
this unbroken weaving of geometric lines has shown up in many
cultures around the world, making it a universal symbol... more |
Buddhist Lion Tattoos - A 'lion among men' was how the earliest
followers of Buddha's referred to their enlightened master. In time,
the lion was adopted as a symbol of Buddha himself, and remains the
animal most often associated with him. Legend would have us believe
that a lion followed the Buddha around after his enlightenment. Buddha's Lotus Throne was supported by eight lions, symbolic of the
bodhisattvas who carried the truth of the Buddha Dharma (teachings)
to the eight directions of the universe... more |
Buddhist Treasure Vase Tattoos - The Treasure Vase - known
also as the 'wealth vase' - and 'vase of inexhaustible treasure' -
became the Buddhist symbol of spiritual abundance. As one of the
Eight Auspicious Symbols of Buddhism, it represents not only the
wealth of Buddha's teaching but his never-diminishing generosity and
compassion. Legend attributes to it a special quality, that of
always remaining full despite much being taken from it... more |
Buddhist Victory Banner Tattoos - One of the Eight Auspicious
Symbols of Buddhism, the victory banner signifies Buddha's
enlightenment through his conquering of passion, pride, lust, and
the fear of death. These four pitfalls are known as the 'four maras',
and are considered by Buddhists to be the hindrances we face on our
spiritual journey. Liberation, or the state of nirvana, can only be
realized when the battle over the four maras is won. In ancient times the 'victory banner' once implied a 'flag', but it
would be a mistake to consider the Buddhist victory banner as such.
It is a cylinder usually made of beaten copper. It is mounted on a
pole and surmounted by a small white parasol. Billowing silken
scarves of white and yellow were often attached... more |
Bull Tattoos - The Bull is a symbol of
power, strength, resurrection, masculinity, fertility,
impulsiveness, fathers, kingship, and the Zodiac sign and
constellation Taurus. The widespread presence of the Bull in many
different and widespread cultural mythologies and early religions
can be explained by the fact that cattle were among the first
animals domesticated by man, in fact probably not longer after the
Asian wolf became the household dog. The Bull straddles two opposites in the world of mythology and
symbolism, in that it is both a solar and a lunar creature. The
Bull's male fertility, fiery temperament, and role as father of the
herd make him the masculine sun-god in many cults... more |
Bulldog Tattoo - A Bulldog, also known as British Bulldog or English Bulldog, is a breed of dog which traces its ancestry to England. It should not be confused with other varieties such as the American Bulldog or the French Bulldog, which have a similar appearance. Despite their famous "sourpuss" expression, bulldogs are generally docile although can prove to be very fast movers over a short distance. They are friendly and gregarious but occasionally willful... more |
Butterfly Tattoo Designs - far and away one of the most popular tattoo design requests. Its
ranking shows the influence that women have in tattoo culture, as
butterfly tattoos & designs are an overwhelmingly feminine tattoo
choice. The butterfly, because of its short life, its physical
beauty, and its... more |
Listing for Tattoo Symbols & Designs - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |