Tattoo Designs & Symbols
provides tattoo meanings, overviews and explanations of some of the
most popular tattoo designs in the world today. The tattoo symbols & designs on this
page all start with the letter H. Some of the most popular tattoo designs and symbols on this page include Haida Tattoos, Hearts, Hannya Masks, Hummingbirds, Horses, Hindu Designs, Horseshoes and Hawks.
You'll find lots of great tattoo ideas for men and
tattoos for girls and women here. Take your time deciding which tattoo is right for you - have a really good look around, get informed and most of all get
Haida Tattoo Designs -
The Haida are renowned around the world for the beauty and
complexity of their art and images. The bold lines of the Haida
designs make them uniquely suited to be reproduced as tattoos. And
for good reason - the art with which the Haida are synonymous today,
the totems poles, carvings and prints - are largely derived from
ancient tattoo designs that the Haida used to depict Clan Crests.
The Haida were once one of the most heavily tattooed indigenous
people in the world, and were one of very few groups in recorded
history to tattoo in colour, using red as well as black.
Crests chronicled important mythological events in the family or
clan history - usually when an ancestor encountered a spiritual
being in a supernatural context. Oftentimes, stories related to
these... more |
Hannya Mask Tattoos - The most well-known demon mask in Japanese
theatre, the Hannya mask has
two sharp horns protruding from the temples, and bulging eyes
staring from beneath a glowering forehead. The mouth is a gaping
hole with grotesquely exaggerated canine teeth protruding from the
mouth like the fangs of a wild animal.
With its range of fierce
emotions and expressions, the Hannya mask is a favourite tattoo
image with enthusiasts of traditional Japanese tattooing... more |
Hanuman Monkey God Tattoos - Hanuman, known as the Monkey God, is
the Indian deity with the biggest heart. Though his face and tail
are that of a monkey, the body is human and covered with white hair.
He is a symbol of devotion, not only of the heart, but to learning.
His qualities of intelligence and inventiveness are said to be
boundless, and no challenge in the world too difficult for him to
handle. Employed as a symbol, Hanuman would inspire a person to use
their power in the service of the greater good... more
Harley Davidson - Biker Tattoos -
When we think of tattoos, often times one of our
first associations is with bikers and motorcycles, and the
motorcycle that we think of first is usually the legendary
Harley-Davidson. 'Harley Davidson' -- America's symbol of the road.
And for many a potent symbol of freedom. No less so than some
peoples consideration of a tattoo as an expression of personal
freedom. It's no accident that tattoos and bikers are... more
Harp Tattoos - The Harp has long been a symbol associated with
Ireland and all things Irish and is a popular tattoo design, but
many people are unfamiliar with the origins of the symbol. The
'Emerald Isle' flies a flag of green, representing the ancient
Gaelic tradition. Against this background sits the gold Harp, a
symbol with origins going back to Ireland's mythic past. This came
to be known as the 'Green Flag'.
Dagda, the supreme god of Irish mythology, carried a Harp along with
a cauldron and a club. The Harp, richly ornamented and made of oak,
represented music and poetry... more |
Hawk Tattoos - Birds of prey have long been symbols of war and
military victory, and even today, 'hawkish' best describes the
aggressor in a military or political context.
In Hindu mythology,
the hawk that precedes the warrior into battle is considered a good
omen. In ancient Rome and Greece, the Gods of War, Ares and Mars,
displayed both the eagle and the hawk as symbols of their power in
battle... more |
Heart Tattoos - a tattoo design standard. The heart tattoo,
shaped like an inverted triangle, and meant to symbolize the pubic
triangle, is a universal symbol of the feminine, often used as an
expression of romantic love.
Heart tattoos have been popular for well over a century. Heart
tattoos with banners were very popular with Servicemen in WWII;
tokens of their loved ones that accompanied them on perilous
journeys to far-off theatres of conflict and a constant reminder of
what they were fighting for.
Add "Mom" and you have a tattoo icon.
The heart is the... more |
Hebrew Tattoos - Hebrew is a favourite script for tattoos. The 22 letters of the Hebrew 'alephbet' are elegant, pictorial, and ancient. The large number celebrities sporting them on the red carpet have bolstered the popularity of Hebrew tattoos. Madonna, the Beckams, Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera are feeling empowered by taking on tattoos written in a script that has such ancient and powerful religious associations. Foreign language text often presents the danger of inaccurate tattoo translation. Hebrew is especially vulnerable to faulty interpretation, especially if the desired tattoo is a slogan in a different language... more
Heron Tattoos - The Heron is an avian tattoo design that is
rich in symbolism, its graceful, elongated form featured in numerous
myths, tales and legends around the world. We humans have long
looked at the Heron and seen aspects of ourselves reflected in this
statuesque bird and its patterns of behavior. The heron shares much the same symbolism as other wetland wading
birds, such as storks, bitterns and cranes-and egrets. In fact, the
heron and the egret are from the same bird family.. more
Hibiscus Flower
Tattoos -
The red hibiscus flower is traditionally worn by Tahitian women. A
single flower is tucked behind the ear. Which ear is used indicates
the wearer's availability for marriage. When giving the gift of Hibiscus flowers, it is believed to stand for "seizing the opportunity". It stands for delicate beauty due to the short blooming period of the Hibiscus... more
Hieroglyph Tattoos -
Hieroglyphs are the symbols used to write the ancient Egyptian
language. Based on simple pictures of well-known objects, this
writing system is one of the oldest in the world. The Egyptians
called them 'god's words'. The Greeks, upon first seeing this
colourful pictorial script in religious settings, called it hiera
grammata (the sacred letters), or hieroglyphica (the sacred carved
letters). .... more
Hindu Tattoos -
The word 'Hindu' originally meant 'those who live on the other side
of the Indus River', which, in the Sanskrit language was the Sindhu.
Of utmost importance to Hindus, then and now, are the world's most
ancient scriptures - the Vedas - the 'knowledge of God'. InIn Hinduism, the one supreme Absolute and divine starting point of
all reality is known as 'Brahman'. While this overarching concept
has no single manifestation, it is represented in the myriad gods
and goddesses to which Hinduism has given rise. For every spiritual
craving there is a vast array of deities to call upon... more
Homeward Bound Tattoo Design - A tattoo of a full-rigged sailing ship, with the words,
"Homeward Bound" is one of the most recognizable of all maritime and
nautical tattoos.
There is perhaps no tattoo design more associated with sailors and
seamen that the tattoo of a full-rigged sailing ship under full
sail, it's bow splitting the waves, clouds and seabirds in the
background. Most of the sailing ships depicted in these tattoos were
Clipper Ships. These tattoos were often very large and took place of
pride on a sailor's back or chest, with smaller versions on upper
arms and shoulders... more
Honeysuckle Flower Tattoos - There are about 180 species of honeysuckle, with by far the
greatest diversity in China, where over 100 species occur; by
comparison, Europe and North America have only about 20 native
species each. Many of the species have
sweetly-scented, bell-shaped flowers that produce a sweet,
edible nectar. Breaking of the Honeysuckle's stem will release
this powerful sweet odor... more |
Horse tattoos - As a tattoo design, the horse spans many millennia and most
continents. It is one of the most familiar symbols of early man. The
horse, before it was tamed, was one of the staple food items of
early hunters. Pictures of horses adorn the cave walls of France and
date back over 40,000 years. Even then, we revered the horse for its
strength, speed and stamina, to say nothing of its beauty and grace.
Horses were one of the first animals to be worshipped and... more |
Horse (Chinese Zodiac Symbol)
Born in 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954,1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014.
Your capacity for hard work is amazing. Your are your own
person-very independent. While intelligent and friendly, you have a
strong streak of selfishness and sharp cunning and should guard
against being egotistical. Your sign suggests success as an
adventurer, scientist, poet, or politician.
See all
12 animal signs of the Chinese Zodiac here
Year of the Horse
Kanji designs on t-shirts, hats, sweatshirts, bags & more. |
Horseshoe Tattoos - One of the principal attributes of tattoos down through the ages
has been the belief that they serve as amulets and talismans of
protection, that they may ward off evil spirits and that they may
act as charms or good luck for the wearer. The horseshoe is perhaps
one of the world's most widely known symbols of good luck. As a tattoo design the horseshoe may stand alone as a symbol of
good luck, or be incorporated with other icons associated with good
fortune, such as dice or playing cards displayed in winning
combinations and four-leaf clovers... more |
Hummingbird Symbols - "HUMMINGBIRD:
A minor character in American Indian folktale and mythology. The
northern Paiute Indians [U.S. Great Basin area] say that Hummingbird
once filled his pants full of seeds and started on a journey to see
what was beyond the sun. He ate only one seed a day, but had to turn
back because his food gave out. He didn't see anything. In eastern
Brazil, Hummingbird is the character who hoarded water so that the
people had none at all until the... more |
Hyacinth Tattoos - The Dutch, or Common Hyacinth of house
and garden culture (H. orientalis, native to southwest Asia) was so
popular in the 18th century that over 2,000 cultivars were
grown in the Netherlands, its chief commercial producer. This
hyacinth has a single dense spike of fragrant flowers in shades of
red, blue, white, orange, pink, violet, or yellow. The Violet, Hyacinth, and Narcissus are all flowers with
names derived from Greek mythology. The Hyacinth flower was dedicated to Apollo... more |
Listing for Tattoo Symbols & Designs - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |