Tattoo Designs & Symbols
provides tattoo meanings, overviews and explanations of some of the
most popular tattoo designs in the world today. The tattoo symbols & designs on this
page all start with the letter G. Some of the most popular tattoo designs and symbols on this page include Geisha Girls, Greek Tattoos, Guitars, Guns, Gargoyles, Geckos, Grim Reaper Tattoos and Giraffes.
You'll find lots of great tattoo ideas for men and
tattoos for girls and women here. Take your time deciding which tattoo is right for you - have a really good look around, get informed and most of all get
Ganesha Tattoos - Ganesha (or Ganesh) the zoomorphic deity with the
head of an elephant and the body of a human, is one of the most
popular of India's many deities. Lord of Success and Destroyer of
Obstacles both material and spiritual, Ganesha is the god of
Everyman. It's no surprise that his image is found in the poorest of
huts to the richest of palaces. As the god associated with
scholarship and commerce, Ganesha is revered throughout Asia and in
Indian communities around the world.
Looking for a tattoo design that offers strength at a project's
commencement? Ganesha may your god... more |
Gargoyle Tattoos -
(Griffon, Griffin, or Gryphon) Gargoyles are increasingly popular as tattoo designs and have been
around for thousands of years as the water spouts with the
not-so-cuddly faces. You have probably seen them as architectural
decoration, usually at the roof line channelling water from the
gutters. It became generally believed that these elaborately
grotesque characters could keep away evil spirits and protect the
buildings and their occupants from harm. The figures are meant to
act as amulets and talismans of protection. Medieval believers claimed that as the rainwater gushed out of the
open-mouthed creature, it turned into holy water... more |
Gecko Tattoos -
A very popular lizard for tattoo designs is the gecko, which appears
often in Polynesian tribal tattoos. The gecko is supposed to have
supernatural powers, and is regarded by Polynesians with fear and
awe. It is rumored that if a green gecko "laughs" at you, it's a
terrible omen of illness and bad fortune... more |
Geisha Tattoos - The Japanese word geisha means 'person of the arts' and a true
geisha is said to be a living work of art. To the Westerner, she is
a figure of mystery and intrigue. Her white mask-like makeup hides
emotions, her traditional black wig is dressed with tinkling bells,
and her small body is wrapped tightly in kimonos of breathtaking
colour and exquisite design, bound in the middle with the wide sash
or obi. In her thonged sandals, her... more |
Gemini Astrology
Sign Tattoos - The Western astrological sign of Gemini
forms part of the tropical zodiac (May 21 - June 20) and of the
sidereal zodiac (June 20 - July 20).
In tropical astrology it is associated with the decorated floral
profusion of late spring and early summer. In sidereal astrology it
is associated with the constellation Gemini and the Greek myth of
Castor (or Kastor) and Pollux... more |
German Shepherd Tattoos - The German Shepherd Dog is a breed of large-sized dog that originated in Germany. German Shepherds are a relatively new breed of dog, whose origins date to 1899. As part of the Herding group, the German Shepherd is a working dog developed originally for herding sheep. Because of their strength, intelligence and abilities in obedience training they are often employed in police and military roles... more |
Giraffe Tattoos - The giraffe is a symbol of Africa. Nowhere else on the planet
does this most extraordinary creature have a natural home. The
nation of Tanzania has adopted the giraffe as one of its official
symbols. And if you adopt this remarkable animal as a tattoo motif,
it may well be seen as a symbol of your concern for all wildlife in
danger of extinction, and of the environment at large. Gentle animal
that it is, you are projecting an image of peaceful co-existence... more |
Gnome Tattoos - Gnomes are the
dwarfish imps of Northern European mythology. Like Trolls, they
liked to live underground, too, and according to Swedish legend,
were the guardians of mineral treasure. It wasn't surprising to find
them frequently in quarries and mines, even preventing miners from
entering their mines, or so the stories went... more |
Goat Tattoos - Virile, lustful and cunning, the goat has stirred the human
imagination for millennia. Strong sexual connotations surround the
goat - horns and erect members - turning it into a symbol of male
potency, but also female fecundity and nurturing.
As an animal
totem, the goat's sharp horns symbolize perception. It represents
practicality and stability, encouraging balanced perspective.
Patience, honest ambition and determination are also symbols of... more |
Goat (Ram or Sheep Chinese Zodiac Symbol)
Born in 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015
Except for the knack of always getting off on the wrong foot with
people, the Goat can be charming company. Your are elegant and
artistic but the first to complain about things. Put aside your
pessimism and worry and try to be less dependent on material
comforts. You would be best as an actor, gardener, or beachcomber.
See all
12 animal signs of the Chinese Zodiac here
Year of the Goat
Kanji designs on t-shirts, hats, sweatshirts, bags & more. |
Grape Tattoo Symbols - Images, designs and symbols of lush clusters of ripe, or
pregnant grapes - whether on vines, in bowls, or in the still life
painting of the Masters -- are a reminder of the pleasures that
humans have drawn from grapes since their earliest discovery. In
tattoos, the single cluster of grapes says joi de vivre, but
together with the vine and its spiralling tendrils and leaves, the
grape design becomes a sensuous body-covering motif. Grapes and
vines are wonderful tattoo designs to drape sensuously around an
arm, over a shoulder or around a waist... more |
Grasshopper & Locust Tattoo Designs - A 'plague of locusts' is perhaps our most common reference to
the grasshopper family, and gives this insatiable insect a
horrifying reputation. Walt Disney did his best to anthropomorphize
this creature in the guise of Jiminy Cricket, the comical and wise
sidekick of Pinocchio, serving as his official conscience. In
heraldry, nobility and wisdom were two of the grasshopper's
attributes, emblematic of great warriors and destroyers.... more |
Greek Alphabet Tattoo Symbols - The Greek Alphabet emerged about the time the ancient Olympic
Games first came into play, about 700 BC. This Greek Alphabet
distinguished itself from other alphabets by becoming the first
writing system with a separate symbol for every sound, including
vowels along with the consonants. It has upper and lower case, the
lower more frequently used. Originally, the Greek Alphabet was
written right to left, but later was reversed and has remained so,
ever since... more |
Greek Cross Tattoo Symbols - The Greek Cross, in evidence in Ancient Greece of three thousand years ago, is recognized today as the symbol for the Red Cross, being equal in all four arms.
And, of course, the cross is recognized as the "plus sign" in mathematics, first appearing as such in Germany in 1489.... more |
Greek Tattoo Symbols -
Ancient Greece and Greek culture have had a powerful influence on
the development of art and civilization in Europe and the West in
particular. Our modern governmental institutions and art forms can
all trace their roots to Greece.
As tattoo symbols, Greek tattoos range from the Greek Cross - four
equal arms, to the Greek alphabet... more |
Griffon, Griffin, or Gryphon Tattoos -
An ancient creature embraced by many cultures, the griffin is part eagle and half-part lion (or can even be part serpent, horse or dog), the meaning of the griffin reflects is dual physical form by presenting a balance of both good and not so good qualities. The griffin's good qualities include gentleness, nobility and justice... more |
Grim Reaper Tattoos - The
grim reaper is a potent symbol of death and a graphic reminder of the transitory nature of life. The Grim Reaper and the Skull were often used as symbols in medieval and renaissance art as a stark reminder of the fact that life is finite and hints powerfully at the afterlife that awaits us. Many paintings of saints in particular prominently feature skulls, and art that depicted famine and disease often contain the cloaked and hooded figure of the Grim Reaper, skull peeking out, scythe in hand to better harvest human souls... more |
Guitar Tattoos -
As a musical instrument the guitar has a history which goes back
nearly three thousand years. Guitars come in two varieties, the
first of which is the acoustical guitar having a flat-backed rounded
body that narrows in the middle, a long fretted neck, and usually
six strings, played by strumming or plucking. The body of an
acoustic guitar is hollow and the sound is produced by the
reverberations of sound produced when the strings vibrate... more |
Gun & Bullet Tattoos -
'Guns don't kill people...' (and you surely know the rest of this
quote, which is staple of American-themed bumper stickers), and it
may even be true when the firearm in question is in the form of a
tattoo design, yet the symbolism is unmistakably lethal. It's loaded
and it's deadly. Power, violence, and a determined personality -
these are the messages meant to part your hair like a bullet when
you lay eyes on a well-executed gun tattoo.... more |
Listing for Tattoo Symbols & Designs - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |