Tattoo Designs & Symbols
provides tattoo meanings, overviews and explanations of some of the
most popular tattoo designs in the world today. The tattoo symbols & designs on this
page all start with the letter A. Some of the most popular tattoo designs and symbols on this page include Angels, Egyptian Ankhs, Anchors, Ambigrams, Aztec Tattoos, Aries and Aquarius Zodiac Tattoos.
You'll find lots of great tattoo ideas for men and
tattoos for girls and women here. Take your time deciding which tattoo is right for you - have a good look around, get informed and most of all get
Abyssinian Cat Tattoos - The Abyssinian is a breed of domesticated cat with a distinctive ticked coat. There are many stories about its origins, often revolving around Egypt, but the actual origins are uncertain. The Abyssinian has become one of the most popular breeds of shorthair cat in the USA. Abyssinians are extrovert, willful and intelligent, but are usually not "lap cats", being too preoccupied with exploring and playing as they would in their natural habitat... more |
Acorn Tattoos - In ancient cultures, the acorn was taken as a
talisman to ward off evil spirits. In Britain, to carry around
an acorn meant long life, good luck, and guidance when lost. Old
English folklore says that a woman who carried an acorn on her
person kept wrinkles at bay. For Thor, the Norse god of thunder,
the oak was sacred because it withstood lightning strikes. The acorn motif is found in ancient statues and carvings -- on
Greek statues of Artemis, goddess of the hunt, and on the necklace
of her Roman equivalent, Diana... more |
Alligator Tattoos -
Alligators and crocodiles are both members of the 'crocodilian'
family, one of the few species on earth that don't hesitate to treat
humans as food. That puts them at the top of the food chain,
challenging human supremacy. Alligators and crocodiles are powerful symbols of stealth, patience,
and 'hidden danger'. Their protruding, retractable eyes are like
binoculars, resting just above... more |
Alphabet Tattoos -
This alphabet, the one we’re using to write and read these very words, is known either as the Latin alphabet or the Roman alphabet, and is the most widely used alphabetic writing system in the world. Its origins can be traced back to the first primitive impressions painted on the walls of caves.... more |
Ambigram Tattoos - An ambigram tattoo is a graphical figure that spells out a word
not only in its form as presented, but also in another direction or
orientation. The text can also consist of a few words, and the text
spelled out in the other direction or orientation is often the same,
but can also be a different text. Ambigrams are popular with graphic artists, due not only to their unique symmetry but to their mysterious quality so readily appreciated on music albums and book jackets... more |
American Shorthair Cat Tattoos - The American Shorthair is the 8th most popular breed of cat in the United States according the Cat Fancier's Association for 2006-2007. The breed is believed to be descended from English cats (the forebears of today's British Shorthairs) brought to North America by early British settlers to protect valuable cargo from mice and rats.... more |
Anamorphosis Tattoos - Anamorphosis is an artistic technique that creates an optical illusion that tricks the eye and by which the artist may conceal messages or images within a design. When viewed straight-on, the hidden element appears unrecognizable. Only when the observer shifts position and views the drawing or painting from a specific angle is the distorted image reconstituted into its proper perspective. The earliest examples of anamorphosis in fine art can be seen in the Renaissance paintings of Leonardo Da Vinci, and the 16th century Flemish artist Hans Holbein... more |
Anarchy Tattoos - The usual symbol for anarchy is a stylized "A" within a circle. As
a tattoo symbol and design, the anarchy "A" has been very popular with groups
whose members have considered themselves as being on the fringes of
accepted society... more |
Anchor Cross Tattoos - The traditional anchor cross appears in various forms. One
variation manages to include three crosses-by 'crossing' the two
barbs of the double hook. This symbolism may represent the Holy
Trinity to some, or perhaps the three crosses on Calvary. As a nautical motif, the anchor has long implied a steady course through the stormy straits of life, or refuge in a secure harbor protected from turbulent seas and approaching storms... more |
Anchor Tattoo Designs - The Anchor tattoo is a design that has been a fixture of modern
western tattooing for the better part of two centuries, and has even
more ancient symbolic roots going back several millennia. The anchor
is a favorite of individuals who are associated with marine or naval
careers. In ancient times the anchor, like the fish, was a symbol with ties to the early Christian church. An anchor tattoo can be thought of as holding one steadfast, like an anchor holding a great sailing ship safe in harbour, against winds and currents that might carry it astray... more |
Anemone Flower Tattoos - The Anemone is a flower
often associated with death and sleep. The anemone, of course, has come to
symbolize the memorial to fallen soldiers of the two World Wars in the form of a
poppy. The Anemone is featured in the myth of Aphrodite mourning the
death of Adonis -- the flower sprung from her tears. .... more |
Angel Tattoos - An angel tattoo design is an overtly religious symbol. Angels are
anthropomorphic - meaning in the shape of men - winged forms
intended to transmit the word of God to humankind. Angels personify
divine will and are the messengers of God. As a tattoo design, an angel is a symbol of devotion, spirituality
and faith and signifies a relationship with God... more |
Ankh - The ankh is a fascinating hybrid of two nearly
universal symbols, ones found in many cultures all over the
world, the cross and the circle. The shape of the ankh suggests the
sunrise, with the loop depicting the sun rising over the horizon,
symbolized by the crossbar, with the vertical line representing the
path of the sun. One theory holds that its unique shape represents
the... more |
Ankle Tattoos - When we think of gender specific tattoos, or feminine tattoos
meant solely for girls and women, we usually conjure up the image of
a delicate design -- flowers, or butterflies, perhaps -- located on
a body part like the lower back, the bikini line or breast, the
wrist or perhaps the ankle. And for good reason. The ankle is a
delicate part of the body, and for that reason, very sexy, and
uniquely so to the female of our species. Wherever tattoo styles
wander, the ankle is likely to remain an attractive and popular
patch of the human canvas for tattoos for girls... more |
Apple Tattoos - Apples have long symbolized fertility, love, sensuality and sexuality, temptation and sin. No doubt apple enthusiasts eagerly anticipated the ripening of the fruit of the apple tree with its promise of sweetness to come as they turned from green to red in the rays of the sun. An apple is literally ripe with promise. The
most famous apple undoubtedly belongs to Eve. In fact, it was an
unnamed fruit from the Tree of Knowledge that Eve offered to Adam in
the Garden of Eden, later called 'apple' by Renaissance artists who
were inspired by the Greek legend.... more |
Aquarius Tattoos - The Western
astrological sign of Aquarius forms part of the tropical zodiac
(January 20 - February 18) and of the sidereal zodiac (February 13 -
March 14). Aquarius is associated with the classical element Air, and thus
called an Air Sign (with Libra and Gemini)... more |
Aries Tattoos - The Western astrological sign of Aries is
occupied by the Sun from March 21st to April 19th in the tropical
zodiac. Aries is associated with the classical element Fire, and thus called
a fire sign (along with Sagittarius and Leo)... more |
Armband Tattoos - Armband tattoo designs are arguably one of the most popular tattoo
designs around. You see them wherever you look - in urban realms and
rural hideouts, on CEO's and bikers, on young women and old men.
Whether hidden beneath a sleeve or proudly displayed at the beach,
an armband is a classic choice... more |
Aztec Tattoos - In the daily life of an Aztec -around 600 years ago- pleasing the gods
was a priority. No god was more important than Huitzilopochtili, the sun
god, the giver of life and guardian of the heavens. He is depicted
as a blue character with a headdress of hummingbird feathers. And
fully armed. Today, that Aztec sun tattoo might very
well symbolize a belief in the afterlife, which may explain why this
celestial character was often depicted in a serious mood... more |
Listing for Tattoo Symbols & Designs - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |