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Penguins don't have much experience with humans, so it's not
surprising that we don't have much experience with them. The
Antarctic, was after all, except for penguins, seals and a few other
sea birds, a bitterly cold, utterly inhospitable environment for
human habitation. But underneath the ice shelf of the Antarctic is
an incredibly rich sea environment teaming with life and
extraordinary bio-diversity and a magnet for whales and other marine
creatures who are drawn to the rich feeding grounds for krill and
other food sources. For this reason, penguins aren't well
established in folklore or in the international lexicon of symbols.
Other than a few isolated outposts on the extreme end of South
Americas and New Zealand, you have to go to all the way to the
Antarctic to find penguins. Whatever the penguin means to you, well,
that's what it means to you. The penguin is a symbol more open than
most to a very personal interpretation.
For some, the penguin may represent a 'nun'. Or it means 'keeping
your cool'. It's a bird in a tuxedo, a 'stuffed-shirt', a waiter,
the Maitre 'D. It appears to have impeccable good manners to go
along with its dapper good looks. Who doesn't look dashing and
debonair in a dinner jacket? The penguin is the James Bond of the
bird world. The penguin has been co-opted by Hollywood, recruiting
the bird as the hero of animated and highly anthropomorphic films in
which the Emperor Penguin has featured in the the starring role.

Opus the Penguin was also the star of the Comic Strip 'Opus', drawn
by Berkeley Breathed. Opus was Breathed's fourth strip, following
The Academia Waltz, Bloom County and Outland. Opus figurines,
stuffed toys and memorabilia were very popular. And who can forget
that the Penguin was and is, Batman's most feared rival. As a
villain, the Penguin offers a counter-point to the Dark Knight. And
is the polar opposite of the public's perception of the penguin's
personality in popular culture.
Chilly Willy, the animated cartoon penguin who was always cold,
first appeared in 1953 courtesy of Walter Lanz. After a slow start
the third film was nominated for an Academy Award. Curiously the
character lived in Fairbanks, Alaska, although the species is native
only to the southern hemisphere.
The animated film "Happy Feet" played up the myth of Antarctic
penguins as soul mates ( they are serial monogamists who mate each
season), as did the hugely popular documentary, "March of the
Penguins", which became an international phenomenon in many
different languages, and which won the Oscar for Best Documentary
Film at the 2006 Academy Awards. As a consequence, we have come to
love and admire the penguin for their ability to court each other
and to recognize their mate's unique range of vocalizations, as well
as the cries of their chick. We know about the Emperor Penguins'
annual migrations - on foot - to mate and feed their young, as they
traverse distances of up to a 100 kilometers (62 miles). The
penguins endure temperatures that drop to a bone-chilling -62
degrees Celsius (- 80 degrees Fahrenheit) and winds that can reach a
staggering 300 kilometers per hour (190 mph). By the tens of
thousands, the penguin hordes embark on a treacherous single-file
journey across a barren and dangerous world of ice and snow. Solo,
the penguin would perish - en masse they survive. Consequently, the
penguin has come to symbolize order, purpose, and the magic of
family and the importance of community. We find much to admire in
their apparent stoicism and unwavering commitment.

We know from these films that the penguin cannot fly, but that
its agility in the water makes it seem like it's flying in its
liquid element. In fact, it employs much the same musculature to fly
through the water as it would through the air. Did you know that the
penguin once could fly, but that its flightlessness most likely
arose from eons of living on isolated islands where there existed no
threats from land predators. A similar evolutionary regression
happened to many birds isolated on the islands of New Zealand. The
most famous is the Kiwi, but flightless parrots and the legendary
Moa, gave up flight when living in an ecosystem with no land

As a totem animal, the penguin is said to be a reminder of order
in times of chaos, of teamwork while hunting under water, of moving
in a steady line, inexorably forward on foot through fair weather
and foul. The penguin also speaks to the advantages of being able to
slip easily from one realm to another. The water realm suggests to
dream analysts that those drawn to the penguin are apt to be vivid

By getting a penguin tattoo, you are making a statement about
your ability to change or adapt to different environments. With a
single step - or a belly glide - you can make the leap from hard
ground to the constantly shifting seas. Some would say this
represents a connection between the physical and the spiritual. At
the very least, a penguin attachment reflects an attitude of
playfulness. You're saying that there is a time for work and a time
for play. And, of course, those with the penguin totem will be a
loving spouse and a caring parent. Penguin people perform best when
working in a group setting.

The penguin has been described as the 'new canary'. Just as
canaries were used to detect gases in a coal mine, today it's the
penguin who stands as an indicator of the demise of polar habitats
from changes wrought by climate, pollution and commercial fishing.
As such, the penguin is also a symbol of environmental consciousness
and protection.
The most recognizable penguin in the world is without doubt the
one that symbolizes Penguin Books. In 1935, Allen Lane decided that
what the world (England) really needed was an affordable paperback
sold not just in bookstores, but everywhere. He needed a symbol that
was 'dignified but flippant'. His secretary said, 'A penguin.'
Penguin's penguin has never looked back.
And while the Penguin book logo may be the world's most
recognizable penguin, at least within literary circles, among
computer cognoscenti and coding aficionados, the Linux logo "Tux" may just
turn out to be the penguin logo of the new millennia.
Linux is a free Unix-type operating system originally created by
Linus Torvalds with the assistance of developers around the world
and legions of computer programs have embraced "TUX" the Linux Penguin
as the ultimate symbol of geekdom - and we mean that in the nicest
possible way!
Open Source is a copyright license genre, (GNU being the major
example) that facilitates and in fact enforces the open and free
sharing of computer software source code - the human readable text.
The concept has been extended to other areas, including house design
and lately drug creation and genetic engineering. It embraces a
world of open ideas and the sharing of knowledge.
Linux is the epitome of an Open Source project. It has grown from
the personal self-education project of Linus Torvalds (who named it,
combining his name and the word "Unix" which was the original AT&T
operating system it is modeled after) to where it now is synonymous
with Open Source software in the minds of most people.
Because Linux is Open Source, people have taken it and made it
work on more hardware platforms than any other operating system
ever; from single-chip systems the size of a key to the largest and
fastest super-computers in the world.
The story behind the Linux Penguin is best told by Linus Torvalds
Somebody had a logo competition announcement, maybe people can send
their ideas to a web-site.
Anyway, this one looks like the poor penguin is not really
strong enough to hold up the world, and it's going to get
squashed. Not a good, positive logo, in that respect..
Now, when you think about penguins, first take a deep calming
breath, and then think "cuddly". Take another breath, and think
"cute". Go back to "cuddly" for a while (and go on breathing),
then think "contented".
With me so far? Good..
Now, with penguins, (cuddly such), "contented" means it has
either just gotten laid, or it's stuffed on herring. Take it
from me, I'm an expert on penguins, those are really the only
two options.
Now, working on that angle, we don't really want to be
associated with a randy penguin (well, we do, but it's not
politic, so we won't), so we should be looking at the "stuffed
to its brim with herring" angle here.
So when you think "penguin", you should be imagining a
overweight penguin (*), sitting down after having gorged itself,
and having just burped. It's sitting there with a beatific smile
- the world is a good place to be when you have just eaten a few
gallons of raw fish and you can feel another "burp" coming.
(*) Not FAT, but you should be able to see that it's sitting
down because it's really too stuffed to stand up. Think "bean
bag" here.
Now, if you have problems associating yourself with something
that gets off by eating raw fish, think "chocolate" or
something, but you get the idea.
Ok, so we should be thinking of a lovable, cuddly, stuffed
penguin sitting down after having gorged itself on herring.
Still with me?
NOW comes the hard part. With this image firmly etched on your
eyeballs, you then sketch a stylized version of it. Not a lot
of detail - just a black brush-type outline (you know the effect
you get with a brush where the thickness of the line varies).
THAT requires talent. Give people the outline, and they should
say [sickly sweet voice, baby talk almost] "Ooh, what a cuddly
penguin, I bet he is just stuffed with herring", and small
children will jump up and down and scream "mommy mommy, can I
have one too?".
Then we can do a larger version with some more detail (maybe
leaning against a globe of the world, but I don't think we
really want to give any "macho penguin" image here about Atlas
or anything). That more detailed version can spank billy-boy to
tears for all I care, or play ice-hockey with the FreeBSD demon.
But the simple, single penguin would be the logo, and the others
would just be that cuddly penguin being used as an actor in some
Some people have told me they don't think a fat penguin
really embodies the grace of Linux, which just tells me they
have never seen a angry penguin charging at them in excess of
100mph. They'd be a lot more careful about what they say if they
-- Linus Torvalds
inspired by some really great images and photos in our Penguin Inspiration Gallery
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