Tattoo Symbol Index - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Tattoo designs - H >> Haida Haida Tattoo Meanings - The Haida are renowned around the world for the beauty and complexity of their art and images. The bold lines of the Haida designs make them uniquely suited to be reproduced as tattoos. And for good reason - the art with which the Haida are synonymous today, the totems poles, carvings and prints - are largely derived from ancient tattoo designs that the Haida used to depict Clan Crests. The Haida were once one of the most heavily tattooed indigenous people in the world, and were one of very few groups in recorded history to tattoo in colour, using red as well as black.
tattooed upon the body or carved onto an object, crests served as
title to the animal or geographic feature depicted on it as well as
to its spirit. Thus, the right to a crest, the right to use the
emblem, was more valuable than the particular physical object
itself. Individuals who were freshly tattooed were presented by
their families to the community at a ceremonial potlatch.
inspired by some really amazing images and photos of Haida crests in our
Inspiration Gallery Find out more about traditional Haida tattooing practices and cultural history. Read excerpts about Haida tattooing from James Swan's 1870's journal. Tattoo designs - H >> Haida Tattoo Symbol Index - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
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