Tattoo Symbol Index - A
It is not surprising that in traditional tribal tattooing, animal
designs and symbols predominate. Animal tattoo designs and symbols
have extraordinary power and are meant in some way to transform to
an individual so that they take on some aspect of the animal
tattooed upon their person.
For indigenous peoples around the world, every aspect of creation
can serve as a spirit guide for humans. All creatures great and
small, indeed all living forms, from mighty oak trees, to the reeds
that bend but do not break in the fiercest winds, possess qualities
that teach us about the world we live in. There is no dogma associated with this kind of knowledge,
although many of the cultures that believe or believed in spirit
guides were also cultures that perceived the earth as divine and
their spiritual beliefs were often a form of animism or shamanistic. |
Animals are revered as creations of Nature, and so are held as
examples of survival, brotherhood, and knowledge of the ways of
nature. They are without human treachery or hatred, and haven't the
capacity for self-destruction or degradation of the environment.
They are part of the natural order of the universe rather than
living outside of it or against it.
It is said of the ancient people of the Americas that they knew
how to communicate with animals. The power was lost when humans
opted out of the natural order and placed themselves above all other
species. Nevertheless, it is still believed that communication from
animal to human still exists in the form of psychic telepathy and
through the spirit. In order for humans to understand communication
from an animal spirit guide, it is necessary to prepare oneself
through practice, patience and humility.
Often times specific animals or spirit guides would be made
apparent through dreams or visions, or through the intervention of
an intermediary such as a shaman or a medicine man who had a special
gift for understanding the natural world. The vision where an animal
spirit guide presented itself to an individual was often part of a
ritual or ordeal that might include the use of fasting for many
days, dancing until exhaustion, the use of sweat lodges that used
extreme heat, or solitary 'vision' quests where individuals went
into the wilderness on their own on long journeys of self-discovery.
It was also not uncommon for individuals to use plants and other
substances, for example the use of peyote or fermented alcoholic
beverages, to alter ones state of mind to be more open to a vision.
Each of these activities can cause a change in our perception of
reality or alter our consciousness, making a vision not only
possible, but likely.
Animal totems can be compared to Jung's archetypes, which work
through the subconscious mind. They may be messengers, guides or
protectors. One doesn't choose an animal guide, nor does one take
one on the advice of others. Only through the Creator does a spirit
guide visit the individual. When a connection has been made between
the spirit guide and an individual, greater understanding of nature
comes about. And when that happens, one's mental, spiritual and
physical health improves.
In some cultures, an animal spirit may enter at the moment of
birth and serve as a guide through that person's lifetime. A spirit
guide may appear at critical times such as rites of passage, and
when help is needed. It may be in the form of a dream or a
revelation. For the shaman, animal spirit guides are a powerful ally
in healing rituals and ceremonies.
Nature provides hundreds of creatures, each with lessons to
teach. From the lowly ant, hardworking, unselfish and loyal -- to
the powerful teaching medicine of the wolf, who reminds us that all
things have a place, even in chaos -- the spirit animals of the
earth will find us at that moment when we are prepared to receive
the lessons that are available to us.
Eagle tattoo designs- The energy of the eagle includes
potency, freedom and illumination. A sacred bird to many Native
American cultures. See more:
Hawk tattoo designs - Ruthless and majestic; with a
terrifying scream and powerful talons the hawk was a favorite in
Native American tribal designs. The spirit of the hawk is one of
truth, awareness, and perceptiveness. See more:
Owl tattoo designs - With its signature hoot and nocturnal
habits, the owl is a favorite of both young and old. The owl is
a spirit of vision, wisdom and insight. See more:
Raven tattoo designs - The Raven symbolizes the unknown and
Otherworld travel. To the Haida, the Raven was a central figure
in their Creation Myth. See more:
Butterfly tattoo designs - A beautiful way to capture the
amazing power of personal change. The butterfly's energy is
associated with balance, transformation and grace. See more:
Bear tattoo designs - Towering over so many of the creatures
who share its territory, the bear is a primal testimony of
strength, self-preservation and wisdom. See more:
Wolf tattoo designs - The wolf often appeared in tattoo
design because of its magnetic appeal to humanity. The feral
version of our more domesticated dog, the wolf represents the
skill of teaching, loyalty and cooperation. See more:
Coyote tattoo designs - Often referred to as the
"Trickster", this mischievous creature serves as a playful (in
the sense of practical joke playful) guardian spirit. The coyote
speaks of reversal of fortune (for better or for worse), cunning
and humor (even if it is at your expense).
See more: Coyotes
Fox tattoo designs - Wily and quick, the fox has been
referred to many animal metaphors and similes. Not surprisingly,
the message of the fox is one of cleverness, discretion, and
See more: Foxes
Dog tattoo designs - Long time companion and "man's best
friend", the dog has bonded with humans in a way that few other
animals have. True to its nature, the spirit of the dog is one
of loyalty and friendship. See more:
Cougar tattoo designs - Also referred to as the mountain
lion, these solitary hunters of the forest strike fear into
their prey with their far reaching screams. The cougar speaks of
leadership, loyalty & courage. See more:
Deer tattoo designs - Quiet and peaceful, these beautiful,
graceful creatures are a favorite wild life tattoo subject. The
spirit of the deer is one of peace, sensitivity and gentleness. See
Horse tattoo designs - People across the ages have been
captivated by the horse, this free spirit of great power and
strength who has chosen to align itself with humanity. The totem of
the horse speaks of freedom, strength and movement. For Native
Americans the horse was a tremendous status symbol, and spoke of
power and social rank. See more:
Turtle tattoo designs
- Able to escape the world with the comfort of its shell, there
are many people who identify well with this aquatic creature.
The spirit of the turtle is one of protection, healing and inner
knowledge. See more:
Frog tattoo designs - Able to cover incredible distances in each
leap, frogs are a colorful and playful addition to any tattoo image
gallery. The frog has long been respected for its healing
powers, as an indication of peaceful change and as a testimony
to adaptability. See more:
Dolphin tattoo designs
- A mammal of the sea, the dolphin has long enchanted mankind
with its intelligence and social nature. When the dolphin spirit
becomes your guardian, it is an omen of harmony, communication
and intelligence. See more:
Salmon tattoo designs
- Always fighting against the current, the salmon has long been
a symbol of determination. The same holds true of its animal
totem nature, which tells of persistence and single-minded
dedication. See more:
Kokopelli Tattoos - or Kokopilau): The Flute Player of the Hopi
Indians. Kokopelli is a figure commonly found in petroglyphs and
pottery throughout the southwest. Since the first petroglyhs were
carved around 3,000 years ago, he predates even Oraibi, the oldest
continuous settlement in North America. He is regarded as a symbol
of fertility for all life, be it crops, hopes, dreams, or love. In
addition, Kokopelli is also a trickster, a healer and a story
Alligator tattoo designs
- Alligators are members of the 'crocodilian' family, one of the few species on earth that don't hesitate to treat humans as food. That puts them at the top of the food chain, challenging human supremacy. See more:
Badger tattoo designs - The badger is either fierce, strong, and shy - or aggressive and anti-social - depending on your respect or antipathy for this nocturnal creature.
Raccoon tattoo designs
- The raccoon is found the length and breadth of North America,
from the far north all the way to Mexico. Like another infamous
'trickster', the coyote, the raccoon has adapted well to living
amongst humans as the suburbs infringe upon their natural
Crow tattoo designs
- A crow tattoo can mean many things, ranging all the way from
the profane to the sublime. It's best to enter the tattoo studio
well informed if you are seeking a crow tattoo. See more:
Heron tattoo designs - North American Native tradition holds
up the blue heron as a messenger that teaches about
self-determination and self-reliance. The skinny legs remind us
that athletic legs aren't necessary for stability, but that
'standing on one's own' is key. The Iroquois nation treated the
blue heron as a particularly good omen. See more:
Crocodile tattoo designs
- Crocodiles are powerful symbols of stealth, patience, and
'hidden danger'. Their protruding, retractable eyes are like
binoculars, resting just above the water's surface, while the
bulk of the reptile remains invisible under water. See more:
Hummingbird tattoo designs
- A minor character in American Indian folktale and mythology.
The northern Paiute Indians [U.S. Great Basin area] say that
Hummingbird once filled his pants full of seeds and started on a
journey to see what was beyond the sun. See more:
Otter tattoo designs
- Native American peoples have long admired the otter as a
strong protector of family. The otter is also a powerful symbol
of 'woman medicine' and female energy. Sea otters pups will haul
themselves out of the water and 'rest' on their mother's stomach
while she floats on her back.
Seal tattoo designs
- The seal is symbol of courage at sea for the Nootka people of
the Pacific Northwest. As a creature that moves in water and on
land, the seal is a symbol of elemental balance and harmony.
Whale tattoo designs
- Native American cultures have stressed the importance of the
relationship with 'the Great Spirit'. All forms of life - from
whales to so-called inanimate rocks, plants, planets and the
elements - are believed to be permeated with its energy. See more:
See also:
Animal Tattoos Index

Tattoo Symbol Index - A
