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Tattoo designs - WXYZ >> Whale Tattoos

Whale tattoosWhale Tattoo Designs - Unfathomable wonder and fearsome monster, the whale is the largest of the earth's mammals. Ninety different species of whale, from the dolphin to the sperm whale have appeared in myths, legends, and folk tales around the world. In biblical mythology, as in the Old Testament story of Jonah, the whale was the symbol of divine retribution - and God's ally - ingesting hapless humans. Three days in the whale's belly, however, inspired Jonah to repent, after which God's mercy prevailed and he was miraculously vomited out. Thus is the whale associated with rebirth and resurrection. Islamic folklore confirms this legend, and by virtue of it, admits Jonah's whale as one of only ten animals admitted into Heaven.

Images of whales

Going back even farther in time, the ancients believed that the whale walked upon Planet Earth before portions of it sank beneath the oceans. Down with the whale went knowledge of the things it knew, and so this cretacean came to represent deep (or hidden) knowledge. Whale is the keeper of stories, and remains today a symbol of longevity and the guardian of communication.

Images of whales

For indigenous peoples from Australia to North America, and from the Arctic to the Caribbean, the whale has been a life-sustaining food source and a powerful totem and spirit guide, supporting human survival both physical and cultural. Native American cultures have stressed the importance of the relationship with 'the Great Spirit'. All forms of life - from whales to so-called inanimate rocks, plants, planets and the elements - are believed to be permeated with its energy. Direct contact with the animal spirit was profoundly desired, and the strengths, skills. and powers of specific animals were not only revered but called upon in times of need. The fact that an animal like the whale was also a valued food source did not diminish its spiritual significance. For the hunters of the whale, the great air-breathing mammal represented the necessary strength, spiritual discipline and courage required for the hunt.

Images of whales

Coastal Aborigines in Australia talk about how the whale trekked across the land after descending from the Milky Way. These 'pathways' were intuitively retrieved through sacred song, allowing the people to navigate their way over vast areas of the continent's interior. Upon death, the souls of the people returned to the Morning Star, accompanied by the whale.

Images of whales

Whales and dolphins are associated with divine powers in some cultures, and are perceived as superior beings. In ancient Greece, dolphins were seen as messengers for the Gods, and killing a dolphin was punishable by death. The constellation Delphinus (the Dolphin) was placed in the sky by Poseidon in gratitude to the dolphins who found his bride, Amphitrite.

Images of whales

Whale tattoosIn Western culture, the whale has long been a symbol of the great unknown, inspiring works of literature that have explored man's relationship with the giant of the sea. The most famous whale story of all is Moby Dick by the 19th century American writer, Herman Melville. The 'great white whale' provokes Captain Ahab to a confrontation with the boundaries of his own narrow mind. He sees the whale as evil incarnate, whereas the story's protagonist, Ishmael, views the whale as the greatest paradox, a cosmic duality, and as such, a symbol for everything in the universe.

Images of whales

A whale tattoo can take on many meanings, but the whale tattoo design, like the creature's great size, usually symbolizes virtues and spiritual beliefs of similar profundity and dimensions. In other words, big animal, big ideas.

Images of whales

Whale Inspiration Gallery - Click here to get inspired!Get inspired by some really great images and photos in our Whale Inspiration Gallery

See also: Marine Life Tattoo Index, Killer Whales, Dolphin Tattoos

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