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Scottish Tattoo Designs >> Primrose

Primrose Clan Tattoos - The name is taken from the lands of Primrose in the parish of Dunfermline. It has been suggested that it came from the old British, 'penn rhos' meaning 'tree of the moor'. The primroses were well settled in Fife, and particularly around the Abbey of Culross, the the 15th century. Henry Primrose was believed to be born sometime before 1490, has four sons and one daughter. Gilbert his grandson was one of the ministers of the reformed church at Bordeaux, and afterwards of the French church in London. He was appointed Chaplain to James VI and Charles I, and became Dean of Windsor in 1628. Another grandson, James Primrose, was Clerk of the Privy Council in Scotland.

When James Primrose died in 1641, his eldest son succeeded him in the office of Clerk to the Pivy Council by his second marriage, Archibald a staunch royalist, Archibald Primrose rallied to the banner of the Marquis of Montrose after his victory at the Battle of Kilsyth. He was the king's lieutenant at Philiphaugh, where he was captured when the royal army was surprised by a strong force of cavalry. He was tried and found guilty of treason, and although his life was spared on the orders of Argyll, he was held prisoner until Montrose was ordered by Charles I to disband the army and leave the kingdom. Primrose was released and knighted by the king.

In 1648 he joined in the Engagement, a scheme to rescue Charles I from the English Parliamentarians, and although the plan was a failure, he survived to join Charles II on his march into England in 1651. The king created him a baronet. He fought at the Battle of Worcester, and after Charles fled into exile, the Primrose estates were sequestrated. The were restored after the Restoration of 1660.

Clan Primrose Motto: Fide Et Fiducia
From Latin: By Faith & Trust

See also: Claddagh, Thistle Tattoos, Scottish Lion Tattoo Designs, Welsh Dragons, Scottish Tattoo Designs, Celtic Tattoo Designs, Family Crests, Lion

Primrose Clan badge Primrose clan tartan

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Scottish Tattoo Designs >> Primrose

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