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Family Crests
Crest Tattoo Meanings - (Coat of Arms Tattoos, Clan Tattoos,
Heraldry Tattoos)
From the names of Patrick O'Flanagan to Robert Smith, one of the most popular ways for people to celebrate
their family ties and heritage has been to get tattoos of their
family crests, coat of arms and other symbols that recognize their
family surname and genealogical history. In Great Britain, whether you are
English, Scottish, Irish or Welsh and in most of the countries of
Europe individuals can often trace their family history and surname
to a particular stylized design that at one time would have
decorated shields and banners as a method of identifying individuals
going into battle.
The term 'Coat of Arms' derived from the practice of the medieval
knight or nobleman wearing an embroidered garment over his metal
armor -- a coat bearing the crests or symbols of his rank and
personage. Prior to this innovation, one armored knight looked much
like the next, so by his 'coat of arms' he could be identified to
his followers in the heat of battle, no less to his enemies. Of
course, the preferred method of battle was to capture your enemies
and then negotiate a handsome ransom for their safe return. |
enemies were worth more alive than dead and for hundreds of years,
such practices were the backbone of knightly chivalry in Medieval
In the 11th Century, William the Conqueror was believed killed
during the famous Battle of Hastings. To prove to his men that he
was still alive, he had to remove his helmet and show his face.
Historians theorize, then, that it was the Normans who formalized
this kind of heraldry, making it a military necessity for a knight
to recognize and be recognized when in full armor. The practice of
"family identification", however, was in effect in Northern Europe
prior to the Battle of Hastings, and spread to England with the
Norman Conquest. It is believed that the first example of a Coat of
Arms applied to a shield was that of Henry I of England, in 1127
A.D. At this time, many northern European nobles, Saxons in Germany
and Vikings in Denmark, Norway and Sweden were tattooed with marks
that identified them as belonging to particular families and
With the increasing popularity of 'the tournament', the Coat of Arms
became the mark of noble status. The tournament was the training
ground where knights practiced their skill and military prowess. By
1400, the bearing of a Coat of Arms was the only ticket into the
tournament, without which no knight could participate. These events
grew more elaborate in pageantry and display, for it was here that
the aristocracy and nobility gathered to watch their knights do mock
battle, sometimes to the death, establishing their reputations as
For many years, the individual knight or nobleman could take a Coat
of Arms for himself, but later it could only be granted by the
Monarch. Subsequently, it could be passed down through heredity. The
family name alone, however, did not bestow the right for those
bearing that name to own the Coat of Arms. The emblems were guarded
as heirlooms and the private property of specific individuals.
The earliest Coats of Arms were simple designs, but with time became
increasingly more complex and ornate. They included crests,
supporters and mottos, even incorporating the arms of other families
through marriage. The military significance of the Coat of Arms on a
shield eventually gave way to heraldry based on family pride, since
many holders never went near a battlefield.
In the days of the tournament, a trumpet would be sounded and the
herald would announce (describe) the various symbols shown on the
shield of the knight being introduced. The term heraldry came to
refer to the description and placement of these symbols on the
shield. When the heraldic artist came to depict symbols on a shield,
exact and precise knowledge of each symbol was critical. The symbols
were recorded in a special register, and no symbol could be
duplicated, according to Royal Law. To this day, these records are
saved for posterity by Heralds of the Royal Courts. Over the
centuries, however, many of the 'Rolls of Arms' have been lost, and
with them the rightful claims of their legitimate heirs.
Reading a Coat of Arms is a study in itself. The term "blazon of
arms" refers to the official, written description of the actual Coat
of Arms -- its shield, colors, supporters, mottos and crests. A
layperson confronted with the blazon would be mystified by what
appears to be a code language, some of which goes back to the
original French. An artist in heraldry needed to be an expert in
reading and interpreting the description in the blazon, because
contrary to popular belief, Coats of Arms were not usually recorded
The most important component of the Coat of Arms was the shield. On
this was placed the unique colors, symbols, and perhaps a motto
pertaining to the individual's history and family. The heraldic
color itself had a special meaning. Gold, silver or white, blue,
red, green, black, purple, orange, and maroon are all referred to in
the blazon in French, and each color describes a particular quality
or meaning.
The shield might have 'supporters', which were the fierce animals,
birds, or monsters -- often mythological -- stationed at either side
of the shield and often portrayed in positions of combat. The word
for the combative stance of the supporter is 'rampant'. Topping the
Coat of Arms was the 'crest'.
Not all Coats of Arms came with a crest or a 'helm' (helmet). The
crest was a part of the official blazon, but not the helm, which
symbolized the particular century and social status of the owner.
Other elements on the Arms were the 'wreath' and the 'mantle',
neither of which are part of the official blazon, and are therefore
open to the artist's interpretation.
Some of the more common animal symbols seen today are the
bear, swan and boar. Beasts could be adopted or dropped when the Coat
of Arms passed through the legitimate male line of the nobility. A
younger son, for example, might add a smaller image in the centre of
the shield to distinguish himself from other sons. The eldest son
would be obliged to maintain the family Coat of Arms without messing
with it. When a woman married, her family Coat of Arms might be
added to that of her husband's.
With the gradual disappearance of the tournaments and closed
helmets, and the eventual dwindling of private armies, the military
and sporting use of the Coat of Arms fell away. The use of heraldry
increasingly became associated with the social pecking order and a
'Who's Who' of the nobility. They were seen as decorative display,
carved over the doorways of the great houses of the day, or woven
into tapestries and featured in stained glass windows of stately
homes and their chapels.
Representatives of noble families, such as a Knight's Squire often
wore part of the design of the Coat of Arms on their uniforms to
show in whose employ they were retained and as a mark of prestige.
Military units that were led or funded by a noblemen often
incorporated part of a family or individuals Coat of Arms into the
markings and Regimental Coats of Arms.
Interest in Coats of Arms and especially Family Crests has increased
greatly in the last century. As personal interest in genealogy has
grown, so has the 'discovery' of the Family Crest. Purists may
insist that most people cannot claim such a thing, citing the
tradition of Arms being granted solely by Royal Authority, with
inheritance only through the legitimate male line. To the
traditionalist, such honours are not up for grabs, willy-nilly, by
those seeking to confirm their noble origin.
The Scots are particularly proud of their clan, their crests, and
the Clan Coat of Arms. The term 'clan', itself, refers exclusively
to those of true Scottish descent, and the clan system is a
singularly Scottish phenomenon dating back to the times of chiefs
and the prominent families and their lineage. If you want to be
counted, you'll have to check in with the chief Scottish herald, the
Lord Lyon King of Arms, because only he (and not the English College
of Arms) has the necessary authority in these matters. If you're
after what you believe is your Clan Badge or Family Tartan, the Lord
Lyon King of Arms awaits your call!
Furthermore, only those descended from ancient families and feudal
barons who were around prior to 1592 were granted supporters – the
animals shown on each side of the shield. Only in Scotland are the
rules of heraldry backed by law, since England modified their rules
in the 16th century.
For the Irish, Coats of Arms were referred to as the Arms of Irish
Septs. ('Sept' means a family group of one locality.) Like the
English and Scottish, Arms were originally granted to individual
members of a sept. Those of same name had no claim to it unless they
were included in the terms of the grant. There are a number of Irish
Crests, however, granted to all members of a sept. The rules
regarding heraldic rights are not as rigorous as in Scotland, and if
satisfactory proof of descent is shown to the Chief Herald of
Ireland, a Coat of Arms may be granted. For a small fee.
Although the term 'heraldry' may not be clearly understood by
everyone, you see it everywhere, today. Banks, universities,
colleges and schools, as well as military groups, cities and towns,
and even sports leagues are proud of their Coats of Arms. Many legal
documents still require fixing with a seal, a tradition harking back
to the days when a knight would impress his seal (bearing the symbol
of Arms) onto red wax. Genealogical services are mushrooming
everywhere today, spawning a cadre of experts who are happy to delve
into your family tree in search of that Coat of Arms or Family Crest
that just may be yours.
After Captain Cook returned from the South Pacific in the eighteenth
century where he and his crew recorded the tattooing practices of
the peoples of Tahiti, Hawaii and the Maori in New Zealand, there
was a renewed interest among Europeans in tattooing that was
apparent even among the upper classes and aristocracy. King Edward
VII of Great Britain, Kaiser Wilhelm I of Germany, and Czar Nicholas
II of Russia, among other Royal Heads of State, were all tattooed -
many of them with Royal Crests and Insignia.
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Family Crests

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