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Scottish Tattoo Designs >> Lindsay

Lindsay Clan Tattoos The Lindsay's came to prominence in the late 11th century in England and Scotland. Sir Walter de Lindissie,' noble and knight' accompanied David, Earl of Huntindon, brother of Alexander I, to Scotland to claim his throne. Lindissie means Lincoln's Island and was a jurisdiction within that shire. Sir Walters great-grandson, Sir William de Lindesay, sat in the Parliament of 1164 and was afterwards a justiciar. He held the lands of Crawford, the earldom of which was ultimately to be the premier title of the chiefs, but he sat in Parliament as baron of Luffness in east Lothian.

He acquired considerable wealth through his wife, Ethelreda, a granddaughter of the great Gospatrick ruler of most of Northumbria. His son, Sir David, married Marjory, a member of the royal family, and on his death in 1214 he was succeeded as third Lord of Crawford and High Justiciar of Lothian by his son, David, who also inherited the English estates of Limesay and Wolveray. One of his descendents, another Sir David, was High Chamber-lain of Scotland in 1256 and later died on the Crusade led by Louis of France in 1268. His grandson, yet another Sir David, succeeded to the estates as Lord Crawford and was one of the barons whose seal was appended to the letter of 1320 to the pope, asserting the independence of Scotland, and mopre commonly known as the Declaration of Arbroath. In 1346 his second son and heir, Sir James de Lindsay, married Ejidia, daughter of Walter the High Steward of Scotland and half-sister to Robert II.

Sir David de Lindsay took part in the famous tournament at London Bridge in 1390 in the presence of Richard II of England, at which Lindsay won the day and the admiration of the English king.

On 21 April 1398 he was created Earl of Crawford. He was Lord High Admiral of Scotland in 1406 and sent as ambassador to England in 1406. Alexander, the fourth Earl, joined the rebellion against James II and fought at the Battle of Brechin in 1452.The royal forces were victorious and the earl was attainted for treason, but he was later pardoned.

Clan Lindsay Motto: Endure Fort
From French: Suffer bravely

See also: Claddagh, Thistle Tattoos, Scottish Lion Tattoo Designs, Welsh Dragon Tattoos, Scottish Tattoo Designs, Celtic Tattoo Designs, Family Crests

 Lindsay Clan badgeLindsay tartan

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Scottish Tattoo Designs >> Lindsay

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