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Tattoo designs - M >> Man's Ruin

Man's Ruin TattoosMan's Ruin Tattoo Designs - "Man's Ruin", a tattoo often consisting of the many vices that can lead a man astray in life, not the least of which is a woman - or a bad woman to be exact! This woman is often surrounded by drinking glasses, bottles of alcohol, playing cards, dice and other accoutrements of gambling, such as horse shoes to represent betting on the ponies at the track. In short, "Man's Ruin" could also be titled, "Wine, Women and Song!". Use your imagination to add other elements of various modern vices! A woman regarded as cruel or malicious.

Man's Ruin Inspiration Gallery - Click here to get inspired!
Get inspired by some great images in our Man's Ruin Inspiration Gallery

Women Tattoo design ideas at Tattoo Johnny - Pick out your very own Man's Ruin tattoo design today! Find the perfect design for yourself.

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Tattoo designs - M >> Man's Ruin

Tattoo Symbol Index - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Tattoo Designs provided by TattooJohnny.com
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