to overwhelming demand we bring you Ask Us! (...well maybe it's not really
been that overwhelming... but what the heck, we're doing it anyway)
The crew here at Vanishing Tattoo has acquired an incredible amount of knowledge through
our life-long travels and experiences. Those that know any of us
personally, benefit
from this so called wisdom at every turn. Hmm... we thought, why not let our many
visitors in on this as well!
So any questions (please just don't ask for any designs or
flash -- try
for great flash and design ideas) you may have about
-- tattoos, tattooists, tattooing, life, love, women, or just about anything on your mind... send them to
We'll post the most interesting questions (and answers!) as decided
by Vanishing Tattoo. So keep those questions coming!
can Ask Us! by sending email here

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