Tattoo Designs Symbols Title
The Vanishing Tattoo

The Virgin Mary has long been a popular religious tattoo design, particularly with women who wish to express their faith through the display of a feminine symbol. Many early tattoo designs of Mary were copies of icons and paintings widely found in churches. Mary was also a popular image among early seafarers, as a reminder not only to be virtuous, but also as a symbol of wives, mothers and sweethearts who waited in far off home ports. Life at sea was often tough, dangerous, and for long months at sea bereft of any female presence, lonely. The Virgin Mary was a symbol of the life left behind and an amulet of protection.

For the Catholic Church, the Virgin Mary (often referred to as 'BVM' for 'Blessed Virgin Mary') is believed to have conceived the baby Jesus through the Holy Spirit. The Virgin Mary is held as a source of hope and comfort in times of trouble, and there are many prayers and feast days proclaiming her status as the Mother of Christ. She exemplifies unconditional love and consolation for those who implore her help, Christian or otherwise. As such, she stands in for the mother of all who look to her for comfort.

Below you will find a gallery of inspirational images that will help you in your quest of creating the perfect Religious tattoo.

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