Tattoo Designs Symbols Title
The Vanishing Tattoo

Like tattoos with spiritual and religious symbolism, military tattoos often have a strong element of the amulet or talisman connected to them. Protection in battle was often a specific requirement of tattoos acquired in many cultures and the tattoo was accompanied with rituals, incantations, and pigment which was believed to have special or magical properties. Tattooing was carried out by Shamans, medicine men, priests and other individuals who were known to have access to special powers. These properties might render an individual invisible or impervious to the weapons of opponents. A tattoo in this instance was meant to act as a shield and a final line of personal defense. This is still a belief in places like Burma, Thailand and other areas.

The US NAVY is synonymous with sailors and their tattoos, for obvious historical reasons. Their long voyages to exotic lands -- and the stories and souvenirs they brought home -- continued to amaze people worldwide, until in the early 1900's the tattoo craze hit a peak unequalled for almost a hundred years. The anchor was and remains the favorite motif for sailors, and as such is one of the most popular designs, worldwide. It's was usually placed on the upper arm, in the fashion of the Navy tattooscartoon character, Popeye. Roosters tattooed on the foot were a common motif in the early days. They acted as charms to protect against drowning. Christian crosses were popular, think 'Rock of Ages', in addition to a short list of other nautical motifs, like sailors caps, submarines and periscopes. Images of naked women were a major hit with sailors, until the brass issued their 'obscene' warning. After that, naval applicants could have their hopes dashed by showing up with too much 'skin' on their skin. Tattoo artists did a booming business tattoo grass skirts on scantily clad hula girls. For many sailors, tattoo representations of the ship they served on were popular.

Below you will find a gallery of inspirational images that will help you in your quest of creating the perfect military tattoo.

Also Check out: Memorial Tattoos, Religious Tattoos, Heart Tattoos, Battlefield Cross, Anchor Crosses, Nautical Tattoo index.