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The Vanishing Tattoo
Buddha Eyes

On almost all Buddhist shrines (stupas) - especially in Nepal - a giant pair of eyes look out from all four sides of the main tower, seeing in all directions. These are Buddha Eyes, or Wisdom Eyes, and they symbolize Buddha's omniscience. They are meant to remind us to cultivate compassion towards all living creatures, and to be mindful in everything we do. For the Nepalese, the Buddha's Eyes have come to symbolize their nation.

The graphic does not include a nose, but instead there is a curl with a descending tail, much like a question mark, which is actually the Nepali character for the number '1'. This stands for 'non-duality', the true nature of reality, and also a reminder that the one sure way to attain 'moksha' (freedom) is through the Buddha's teachings.

Buddha Eyes display real love. Real love has nothing to do with appearances or other transient displays projected by the human ego. Buddha Eyes don't reveal the slightest hint of personal ambition or acquisitiveness. The eyes simply witness. They don't react to what is seen. They allow. Tune into the eyes, and you experience a vast space free of all judgment. That's because Buddha Eyes see the Buddha nature in everyone. With great compassion, the eyes are watching and waiting for everyone to awaken to their true nature.

Below you will find a gallery of inspirational images that will help you in your quest of creating the perfect Begging Bowl tattoo.

Also Check out: Religious Tattoo Index, Japanese Tattoo Index, Bodhi Tree, Parasol, Buddhist Tattoos, Buddha's Footprint, Conch Shell Tattoos, Begging Bowl, The Empty Throne, Three Jewels, Buddhist Victory Banner, Buddhist Treasure Vase, Buddhist Tattoo Index