Marc Koegel Interview
Do you remember the first time you saw a tattoo, and what your reaction was?
I was 8 years old and thought my Dad will kill me if I ever get one of these.
Do you have any tattoos yourself?
Nope. And I moved out of my parents house on my own free will.
As a photographer, do you approach shooting a model with body art any differently than a model without tattoos?
It all depends whether the tattoo is supposed to be visible and/or an important feature in the photograph. For this project the focus was on the body art of each model, so yes I did change my approach to reflect this.
Any tips for other photographers, for working with models who have tattoos?
If you want to show detailed body art, don't use Polaroid film like I did!
Are tattoos and body modifications a problem in other work that you do? Do you ever have to shoot around tattoos or use cover-up make-up? Do you ever Photo Shop out tattoos?
Not a problem with me.
What is it about a particular tattoo or an individual with tattoos that you find interesting? Have you ever seen a tattoo, or a person with tattoos and said, "I have to shoot that!"?
I haven't ever thought that, at least not before this project. I shoot with lots of tattooed models and find they are very open to working with photographers.
As a photographer and visual artist, what defines a good tattoo in your eyes? What design and aesthetic qualities are you looking for?
Not really my call since the person getting the tattoo has to like it. If I had my pick to select models for a shoot, I prefer grey rather than color. This has to do with my work being predominately in black and white.
What tips would you give to the home photographer, tattoo enthusiast or tattoo artist who wants to take a great photograph of a tattoo?
Lighting is the most important aspect of any photograph. Get it as even and soft as you can Try using the macro feature and/or lens if your camera has it.
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