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South American Tattooing
Peruvian Mummies


This mummified head of a woman from the pre-Inca Chiribaya culture, located at the Azapa Museum in Arica, Chile, is adorned with facial tattoos on her lower left cheek.
South American mummy with oval tattoo on her face
South American mummy with oval tattoo on her face
The two images above are of a South American woman with tattoos on her breasts and face are from "Mummies of the World" the largest travelling exhibition of mummies ever assembled. The 45 mummies and 95 artifacts in the show came from 15 museums in seven countries.


Chimu mummy

Gran Chaco

Lengua woman with facial tattoos, 1930. Toba woman with facial tattooing, 1900.

Museum photo gallery showing more Gran Chaco tattoo images may be seen here.


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