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The passion of Lynn Crawford?
Well, feel it in her conversation, and you see it on her body. She
has several tattoos, and each marks a moment in her life as a lover
of great food and wine. The first tattoo she got is of a small knife and sharpening steel above her left breast. “In the early nineties, I went on a culinary trip through California and spent a month staging [apprenticing] in Los Angeles, San Francisco and Santa Barbara. It was for me, most magical.” After that came two small black labyrinths, the size of coins, on the palms of both hands. “A labyrinth is about a path. Life is a path, a journey with many different twists and turns, hopefully leading to happiness and fulfilment and giving to others. And I work with my hands, and my hands are my life.” Perhaps the most spectacular is on the inside of her right forearm: A coloured, graphic tattoo of a grapevine. “I got it a year ago. I was in San Francisco, and I went to the Zuni Cafe. I love the Napa Valley. I had a few oysters, and a couple of glasses of chardonnay, and a really great carbonara, and then I went across the street to this artist.” Next? “Now I'm thinking if I have white grapes here, maybe I need red on the other forearm.” *****BTW, I also read elsewhere that the hand tats were done in memory of her Dad. Want to find out what some of Lynn Crawford's tattoo designs & symbols mean? Check out: Knife Tattoo, Memorial Tattoos |
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