
#101 - Jesse James (TV Personality, April 19th, 1969)
Long before Jessie James started his custom motorcycle shop West Coast Choppers, he was hired muscle for bands like Danzig, Slayer and Soundgarden. His bodyguard days are long gone and now Jessie is known across the globe for creating incredible custom bikes from scratch. Jessie is currently dating Kat Von D after a controversial divorce with Sandra Bullock. Jessie is covered in over 30+ tattoos, including an octopus eating a crab on his right arm and a $100 dollar bill on his back. His infamously cheeky, “Pay up Sucker” tattoo, is inked heavily on the palm of his hand. Something tells us that it’s not good to keep a debt with this man... >> pictures
#100 - Billie Joe Armstrong (Musician, February 17th, 1972)
Punk rock family man, Billy Joe Armstrong of the band Green Day, has had a very fortunate run with stardom. Green Day was one of the first widely successful commercial punk rock bands in the 90’s, and they took a lot of flack from their peers for “selling out”. Sounds like a bunch of jealous lovers to us! In a daring career move, Green Day’s “American Idiot” concept album was recently reinterpreted as a Broadway play. Stars are a reoccurring motif in Billie Joe's tattoos, along with many loving tributes to his wife, children and the punk rock ethos. It looks like he and his wife Adrienne are a match made in heaven, but hey, we ladies can dream, right? >> pictures
#99 - Slash (Guitarist, Guns N Roses, July 23rd 1965)
Slash, lord of the riff, is the former lead guitarist of Guns N Roses and current lead guitarist of Velvet Revolver. This blurb should probably just be an epic guitar solo, everyone get out your air guitar and play along! Slash has over 114 guitars, and we're pretty certain they are all named after his romantic conquests while touring with GNR. Is there room for a woman in the life of a man who dotes on his guitars? Perhaps we'll never know. Slash has a plentiful collection tattoos, but one that stands out for us is a GNR influenced skull with a top hat on his left bicep. Along a banner, it reads D.T.U.D. which ceremonious stands for "Drink Till You Drop". Something tells us Slash has had some wild years... Let's fade out on a guitar solo and reminisce. >> pictures
#98 -David Blaine (Magician, April 4th, 1973)
Modern day Houdini, David Blaine, is known for his up-close street magic, and remarkable feats of endurance which push the perceived limits of life and death. Magicians are known for their sleight of hand, and this skill, used in combination with his soulful brown eyes, David can persuade an audience to believe his charismatic illusions. Blaine has several tattoos, many inspired by spiritual or religious motifs, including a full reproduction of Salvador Dali's "Christ of St. John of the Cross", which spans his entire back. Perhaps Blaine's next career move is a magical solution to tattoo removal? Now you see them, now you don't! >> pictures
#97 - Mike Ness (Musician, Social Distortion, April 3rd, 1962)
Mike Ness of the rock band Social Distortion, was kicked out of his parents house at the age of 15 and found solace playing music in the Orange County punk scene. Social D's popularity quickly promoted Ness to niche celebrity status, easily recognized by his iconic ink work. Ladies adore Mike's romantic tough guy persona and he's reportedly such a gentleman, that the ratio of women to men at Social D's shows is easily 4 to 1. Mike's skin is blanketed in tattoos inspired by American traditional iconography such as swallows, spider webs, flames and nautical stars. Mike also wears a pair of very visible tattoos on his knuckles which read LOVE / PAIN. Knuckle tattoos are affectionately known as "jawbreakers". Pretty tough. >> pictures
#96 - Jens Pulver (Mixed Martial Artist, December 6th, 1974)
If you like fit, athletic guys that will wear a shiner with pride (and maybe defend you in an emergency), Jens Pulver is your man. Pulver, now a celebrated mixed martial arts star, was encouraged to start wrestling after he showed interest in the sport during the 6th grade. Jens had a difficult home life growing up, which has definitely fueled his drive and thirst for competitive fighting. Known in the ring as "Lil Evil", he Pulver-ized his way to becoming the first UFC lightweight champion and a coach on the Ultimate Fighter reality show. Jens has quite a few tattoos and seems to be adding more to the collection each year. Currently he wears a koi piece on either side of his stomach, a tribal arm piece and a tribal sun on his left bicep. >> pictures
#95 - Bruce Willis (Actor March 19th, 1955)
Hollywood staple Bruce Willis hardly needs an introduction. And if you haven't heard of Bruce Willis, you must be living under house arrest with no radio, television or computer for the last 30 years. Seriously. Having starred in numerous major blockbuster films since the 80's, Willis has been a longstanding heartthrob and action-hero. Ladies want to be with him, and guys want to be him. Bruce has an angel scene tattooed over his left shoulder, and a dragon design on his right shoulder. He's often photographed with his tattoos showing while he enjoys the beach at his residence in Turks and Cacaos. >> pictures
#94 - Mark Wahlberg (Actor, June 5th, 1971)
Underwear modeling, full frontal nudes scenes... Um, it's pretty easy to see why Mark Wahlberg made our list of hot men! Long before he was an accomplished actor, known for roles in Boogie Nights, Three Kings and The Departed, Wahlberg possessed an impressive physique. Herb Ritts photographed him for Calvin Klein Campaigns and those billboards, which were displayed in New York's Time Square, featured Mark exclusively. Wahlberg has four tattoos, one of Warner Bros. cartoon characters Sylvester and Tweety, a portrait of Bob Marley on his left arm, and his initials on his right arm. Mark is a practicing roman catholic and also has a rosary tattooed around his neck. The banner traversing the crucifix reads "In God I Trust. >> pictures
#93 - Adam Goldberg (Actor, October 25th, 1970)
American actor and director Adam Goldberg is a master of indie coooolll (insert dark sunglasses here), and we think he might be the perfect art gallery date. After partaking in an on again off again relationship with Christina Ricci for many years, we're pleased to say that Adam is AVAILABLE! Get in line ladies. Adam wears an eclectic mix of American traditional-style tattoo work on his arms, perhaps he was a sailor in a past life? LA tattoo artist, Mark Mahoney, applied all of his tattoo work which include a traditional swallow and a cute portrait of his dog. >> pictures
#92 - Tracy Morgan (Actor, November 10th, 1968)
Every ‘best-of’ list has it’s class clown, so let’s bust out the silly string and celebrate the laughs! Tracy Morgan’s goofball antics can be seen on Saturday Night Live and the Emmy award-winning show, 30 Rock. A mad genius with some goofy quirks, Tracey is an avid collector of tropical fish and claims he won’t see Spiderman because Tobey Maguire owes him $75. Morgan has a large collection of tattoos, including a peace sign; a happy and sad face; a cross bearing the names of his wife and three sons; the words ME, MYSELF, & I on his back; and the phrase Stove Top. >> pictures
#91 - Ben Affleck (Actor, August 15th, 1972)
Ladies are drawn to actor and screenwriter Ben Affleck because he has all the ingredients of an attractive 'regular guy', a reasonably intelligent man with a cute smirk and a decent heart. Affleck acquired his first tattoo at the early age of 16. Let us remind you that it is illegal to get a tattoo in most tattoo shops if you are under the age of 18! Bad Ben! He now has about half a dozen tattoos in his collection, a cross, a dolphin (that was used to cover up the name of his high school sweetheart) and a strange half sleeve cover up which appears to be a fish intwined with a skull and crossbones. The last tattoo mentioned was used to cover up the barbwire arm band on his right arm. In the press, Affleck has expressed regret about his tattoos on a few occasions, but said they taught him valuable lessons about life and decision making. Oh Ben, you're so wise! >> pictures
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